Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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 OVNI - Arxius de l'Observatori de Vídeo No Identificat. 
(Conference )

La Fontana d'Or (Girona)
On 27/11/2006
Presentation :
On 27/11/2006 at 18:00 in La Fontana d'Or (Girona)

Toni Serra

ico Conversation with Toni Serra about the reflections, working progress and ups and downs of the research project 'El Somni Colonial * Zones Autònomes'. A compilation of videos, independent documentaries and media archeology around Colonialism and its transformations in the Global era.

111/3pdf27/11/2006CatActivity Announcement
111/1 Video27/11/2006[57min]CastPresentation I
111/2 Video27/11/2006[57min]CastPresentation II