Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
cat | cast | eng 
 John Berger 
(Meeting Conference )

LLibreria La Llibreteria (Girona)
On 28/05/2008

John Berger

ico During John Berger's stay in Celrà for the staging of He visto caballos by the company Mal Pelo, L'animal a l'esquena and La Llibreteria join forces for the first time by inviting the writer to a talk in the bookshop and a visit to the Reading Club of the Public Library of Salt on May 28th 2008


180/1 Video28/05/2008Talk with John Berger at Salt's library
180/2 Video28/05/2008Talk with John Berger in the Llibreteria