Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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 Performance Intermedia 
(Conference )

La Fontana d'Or (Girona)
On 24/05/2003
Presentation :
On 24/05/2003 at 12:00 in La Fontana d'Or (Girona)

Kònic Thtr
( Rosa Sánchez, Alain Baumann )

ico Conference conducted by Kònic Thtr (Rosa Sánchez and Alain Baumann), based on the human body and its relation with technology for scenic projects. The conference also mentioned the problematic transmission of movements' expressivity and the human emotion through technology.

31/4pdf24/03/2003CatActivity Announcement
31/1 Video24/05/2003[1h]CastConversation I
31/2vimeo24/05/2003[26min]CastConversation II