Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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 Bhum ! 5 (2-oct) 
(HumanBoundaryManifesto )

Celrà (Celrà)
On 02/10/2015
Presentation :
On 02/10/2015 at 19:00 in Celrà (Celrà)

Andreas Denk, Jordi Casanovas, Natxo Montero, Laia Cabrera, Miss Q

ico Bhum ! is a Manifesto, a Show, a Party, but it is, above all, the time of year when L’animal a l’esquena shares with the public the creative work of artists who have, on different occasions, taken part in our programme in support of creation process.
At this 5th event we shall again enjoy two days of performance pieces from around the world, an incredible, surprising assortment of theatre, circus, dance, music and audiovisual work. Yet again we would like to thank the public, performers, technicians and all the volunteers who help to make Bhum! possible.
Don’t miss this year’s event. We have great artists, good music, a bar and even a Valencian paella!! Welcome to Bhum !

19:00 Biblioteca de Celrà
Entrada gratuita – Aforo limitado

Friends in the library
by Jordi Casanovas & Andreas Denk (Netherlands-Catalonia).
Free entry – Limited capacity

A new piece from this peculiar pair of virtuoso dancers, taking dance to libraries and gathering inspiration from them and their contents. A performance for the family.

“Losing yourself in a story – dreaming while reading a book. We’ve all done this. We all enjoy books and their power over the imagination. Cook books, art books, science books, books just to forget. Books are everywhere. At home, at school at the hairdressers and in the bookcase. Two men, thousands of books and numerous stories accompany the neighbours on their exciting visit to the library. Friends in the library, poetic dancing as a journey through time and space.” 

Friends in the library is the sequel to the successful production of Friends on holiday and Friends in the winter. In this performance in music and dance the friends celebrate the book, stories and the power of imagination. Of course there is a lot that goes wrong in their world but the friends know how to solve all the problems in their own wonderful inimitable way...

Concept: Andreas Denk
Dance and choreography: Jordi Casanovas
Direction: Klaus Jürgens
Dramaturgy: Bram de Goeij
Music and Lyrics: Wiebe Gotink
Light design: Pink Steenvoorden
Set design: Andreas Denk/Pink Steenvoorden (Einstein Design)

21:00 Ateneu de Celrà
Tickets at Ateneu de Celrà or Advanced tickets sales:
Price: 8 €

by Natxo Montero & Laia Cabrera (Basque Country-Catalonia)

A piece of humorous reflection on the creative process itself. A tour of movements and choreographies in which various questions arise about dance and how creators position themselves in relation to it.

A fallow state allows us to leave hurry and obligation behind, letting us just be, to wait and see if anything happens or not. Lying fallow means repose, the need for change, letting in air to come out renewed and face everyday life again. Leisure means play and play is fallow time for the soul.

Artistic director: Natxo Montero
Assistant director: Pako Revueltas
Creation and performance: Laia Cabrera y Natxo Montero
Lighting design and photography: Gabo Punzo
Wardrobe and sets: Natxo Montero
Vídeo: Alaitz Arenzana

Thanks to: Azala kreazio espazioa, tragantDansa, La Fundición, Aretoa, Teatro Arriaga, L’animal a l’esquena, Eneko, Fran, Nuria, Juanito y Lula, Alex, Neus, Eduard, Olatz, Maria I, Luque Tagua, Rubén.

Piece funded by the Departament of Culture of the Basque Government
Residencies at La Fundición and L’animal a l’esquena

22:30 Ateneu Pub Celrà
Urban Concert / Electronic Melancholy / Post-Modern Cabaret
by Miss Q (Denmark-Catalonia)
Free entry

Miss Q works with contrasts in her music; synthetic versus organic, shiny versus opaque, rough versus smooth. In this way she creates her own sound, somewhere between electronic and traditional song/composition. In this post-modern electronic cabaret there is room for everything: from sophisticated jazz, vintage blues, broken rhythms, abstract punk, mountain choirs in the contemporary Tyrolean style and even touches of urban free-folk. Miss Q drinks at many fountains. And it is not for nothing that she confesses to a devotion for Bowie at his most experimental and transformational.

Programme funded by the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Cerlà y la Diputació de Girona.

With the support of Mal Pelo, Temporada Alta Festival de Tardor de Catalunya, Girona-Salt, Punt de Fuga, FromZero y El Molí Nou de Calabuig.

Thanks to
Nu2’s, CaféContext, Josep Vidó, Adrià Miserachs, Carles Comas, Leo Castro, Mamen Juan-Torres, Jordi Tarrida, Jordi Bover, Joan Mercader, Neus Villà, Eduard Teixidor, Inés Muñoz, Lorena López, Alessandra, Mauro y todos los voluntarios.