Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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 Bhum ! 5 (3-oct) 
(HumanBoundaryManifesto )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
On 03/10/2015
Presentation :
On 03/10/2015 at 17:30 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Baro d'Evel circus company, Taxeks, Quiteria Muñoz, Núria Font, Àngels Margarit, Vetges tu, loscorderos sc, Miss Q, Albert Quesada, Vakulya Zoltan, Enric Ases, Niño de Elche, Balkan paradise Orchestra, DJ Bandida, Context Llibreria Cafè

ico Bhum ! is a Manifesto, a Show, a Party, but it is, above all, the time of year when L’animal a l’esquena shares with the public the creative work of artists who have, on different occasions, taken part in our programme in support of creation process.
At this 5th event we shall again enjoy two days of performance pieces from around the world, an incredible, surprising assortment of theatre, circus, dance, music and audiovisual work. Yet again we would like to thank the public, performers, technicians and all the volunteers who help to make Bhum! possible.
Don’t miss this year’s event. We have great artists, good music, a bar and even a Valencian paella!! Welcome to Bhum !

From 17.30 h. in Mas Espolla and its surroundings
Contribution: 8 € , 5 € under twelves

17:30 Welcome
La Banda Baro d’Evel (Catalonia- France)
The marvellous members of Baró d’Evel are with us for this event, welcoming us and guiding us through the offerings for the night with their magic and thrills. Taking part are Blai Mateu, Noémie Bouissou, Piero Steiner, Martí Soler, Julian Sicard and guests such as Enric Ases, Pere Hosta…

18:00 Gammes
Noémie Bouissou (Francia)
Gammes is a vertical dance piece, an interlude in which we see the full range of a very special dancer on the Chinese pole, an acrobatic moment for audiences of all kinds, in which we can lose our sense of gravity...created and performed by Noemie Bouissu...
A performer in Baró d’Evel’s latest show Bestias, will offer us a precise and nailbiting performance on the Chinese pole. Noémie trained at the Centre des arts du Cirque "Le Lido" in Toulouse.

18:30 Taxeks 1 (Catalonia
First performance by the fourteen young percussionists from Celrà who combine music and movement with incredible energy and precision.

19:00 Nunca se sabe (You Never Know)
Quiteria Muñoz (Valencia)
Performance in the farmhouse stables
Performances at 19:00, 19:20 and 19:40
Limited capacity

Classically trained singer who uses her voice to unlearn all the cliches a soprano learns in a conservatoire. From Monteverdi to Arvo Pärt via Debussy… you never know

20:00 Off Ground
By Boudewijn Kole & Jakop Ahlbom with Louise Lecavalier & Antoine Masson
One space; two people: a man and woman. Two strands of consciousness and time become entwined. In the first, a mother and son are connected in a loving game. In the second, her body goes into decline and she is drawn off to the side, their hands slipping from one another’s. This film explores the boundaries between life and death, body and soul, and reality and imagination.

Direction: Boudewijn Koole
Choreography: Jakop Ahlbom
Performers: Louise Lecavalier and Antoine Masson
Music: Alex Simu
Production: Jongens Van de Wit

Video commissioned by Nuria Font
In her usual role as curator of Bhum for L’animal a l’esquena, Nuria Font offers us two short dance films chosen from the international programme at the IDN 2015 festival: Off Ground (Boudewijn Koole and Jakop Ahlbom) and You Will Fall Again (Alex Pachón)

20:15 Altres Capricis (Other Caprices)
Àngels Margarit (Catalunya)
Performance in the Nave studio: limited capacity

An entertainment in which the score for the dance is provided by Capricci by Pagannini, reinterpreted so as to be sculpted in bodies and drawn in the space. Performers include Andrés Corchero, Pep Ramis, María Muñoz, Jordi Casanovas and Àngels Margarit, among others.

20:45 Shhhht!
Taxeks (Catalonia)
Second performance by f the group of fourteen young percussionists from Celrà.

21:15 Dinner. Paella Valenciana
Vetges tu (Valencia)
Booking essential
Era del Mas
Price 10 €

Vetges Tu is a group of architects who have worked together for nearly 40 years now. They have worked on countless projects and buildings, including the Nave studio at L’animal a l’esquena.

Paella Valenciana (meat) o Paella de Verduras (vegetarian)
Wine, bread, water

The chef tells us:

“In our experience a paella dinner does not require a large starter. The best thing is an aperitif, which could be stuffed olives, chips, peanuts, marinated mussels and cheese.

The ingredients of an authentic paella Valenciana are chicken and rabbit meat and the produce a Valencian farmer would have in his garden: various kinds of beans, as welll as olive oil, sweet peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and of course rice.
The vegetarian paella, which we are calling paella de verduras, has no meat and instead other vegetables: courgette, aubergine, soft garlic, asparragus, carrot etc, according to the season.
The dessert will be white melon from Benifairó de la Valldigna. We shall serve it a the table cut into slices.

The dessert will be white melon from Benifairó de la Valldigna. We shall serve it a the table cut into slices.”

22:30 Fragments de la fi del món (Fragments of the end of the world)
loscorderos sc + MissQ (Catalonia)

La Banda de la fi del món arrives at Bhum! to accompany us with fragments of their strange concerto.

Performance: David Climent y Pablo Molinero [], Pia Nielsen [Miss Q]
Musical direction: Miss Q
With the support of: l'Animal a l'esquena, Ajuntament de Celrà, Graner
La Banda de la fi del món, a coproduction with Temporada Alta, will open on 20th November at 19:00 at the Teatre de Salt – Temporada Alta, Festival de Tardor de Catalunya, Girona/Salt

23:00 UnDosTresUnDos (extracte)
Albert Quesada & Zoltán Vakulya (Catalonia-Hungary)
Performance in the Nave studio: limited capacity

Two fantastic dancers use their bodies and voices to ask themselves what flamenco is and how this unwritten language works, that is both dance and music at the same time, so as to create an intense and immediate piece of communication. Undostresundos digs deep into flamenco and rips it apart, examining every aspect of its singular magic. UnDosTresUnDos is not a flamenco piece.

Direction: Albert Quesada
Choreography: Albert Quesada & Zoltán Vakulya
Choreographer assistant: Petra Söör
Musical advisor: Juan Carlos Lérida
Technical direction: Bert Van Dijck
Costumes: Sofie Durnez

Residencies: PACT Zollverein, Vooruit, TAKT/Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof, STUK, El Graner, L’animal a l’esquena, Kaaitheater
Avant-premiere - 1 October 2015 Premiere 8 October 2015 (Bienale de Charleroi-Danses)
Performance of the entire piece on Saturday, 21 November at 23:00 in the Sala La Planeta – Temporada Alta, Festival de Tardor de Catalunya, Girona/Salt

23:30 You will fall again
By Alex Pachón with Joan Català
The door is closed. A bunch of keys are on the floor. Someone is sleeping in a wheelchair. And a crack is beginnig to form on the ceiling.
Direction: Álex Pachón
Text: Álex Pachón
Performer: Joan Català
Cinematography: Núria Gámiz
Edition: Álex Pachón
Original music: Rubén and Antón
Casting director: Elena Carmona
Production director: Patricia Sánchez
Production: Patricia Sánchez
Executive production: Patricia Sánchez and Nerea Garmendia

Video commissioned by Nuria Font

23:45 Dues històries curtes sobre l’èpica del ridículo
(Two short stories on the epic of ridicule)
Enric Ases (Catalonia)
Performance in the Nave studio: limited capacity
An extract from his latest solo piece, “Long journeys for little boats”, a tragicomic reflection on the difficulty of surviving in this minimally coherent world.

00:30 Nova Era (New Era)
El Niño de Elche (Sevilla)
Versatile singer-songwriter, deeply committed to his social ideas and with a great capacity to bring languages together will offer us a concert in the Era at Mas Espolla.

01:00 The brides are coming tour
Balkan paradise Orchestra (Catalonia)

The brides are coming tour is a festive show consisting of a collection of the most common fanfare tunes of Eastern Europe, with songs from Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia and above all Romania, as well as legendary tunes from other genres such as jazz or pop, adapted to this gypsy style. This show will take you to a party world of fun and dance.

Hanneke Ilse, trumpet
Alba Careta, trumpet and voice
Eva Garin, clarinet
Alba Ramírez, trumpet
Maria Cofan, tenor trombone
Maria Astallé, bass trombone
Olivia Casas, tuba
Alba Rodríguez, percusion

01:30 PARTY with DJ BANDIDA & bar context... until down.

DJ Bandida.
he became curious about music at an early age at her family home listening to Otis Redding or The Beatles on vinyl, as well as all the sounds coming from her sister's radio-cassette player, such as Madonna, Los Planetas, David Bowie... and later, having developed her own taste: The Ramones, Cesária Évora, The Doors, PJ Harvey, and other musical pearls which have always been with her.
La Bandida has actively participated in the Le Petit Comité project, along with DJs Lento Rodríguez and eRraTic, from whom she has learned her most valuable lesson: share the discs.
Her inspirations range from the Mandé culture of Mali to the minimalism of Berlin: in Bandida's sessions you will encounter an expansive imagination that will fire your feet and your soul.

Context-Llibreria Cafè.
Situated in the heart of the Barri Vell (Old Town) in Girona, Context is a café, restaurant and bookshop in one space, where one can sip a coffee or a carefully chosen selection of wines, beers and spirits, and eat delicious meals. It has a very active cultural calendar: music, micro-theatre, exhibitions, cinema and a personal selection of books.

With the backing of the  del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, l'Ajuntament de Cerlà i la Diputació de Girona

With support from Mal PeloTemporada Alta Festival de Tardor de Catalunya, Girona-Salt, Punt de Fuga, FromZero i El Molí Nou de Calabuig.

Thanks to
Nu2’s, CaféContext, Josep Vidó, Adrià Miserachs, Carles Comes, Leo Castro, Mamen Juan-Torres, Jordi Tarrida, Jordi Bover, Joan Mercader, Neus Villà, Eduard Teixidor, Inés Muñoz, Lorena López, Alessandra, Mauro i tots els voluntaris.