Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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 Pausa en movimiento / Segundo encuentro - Pause In Movement/Second Encounter 
(Writing Residence )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 07/01/2021 to 13/01/2021

Mercè Sardà, Estefanía Morante

ico In August Mercè and Estefanía began the task of writing about the journey they have made, the process they have undertaken, everything they have learned and experienced in many years working with boys and girls. During that first encounter they had the opportunity to share their material and began to shape the content of their project. This enabled them to exchange ideas about teaching dance, and from there various intuitions and paths suggested themselves, which they now wish to explore further.

Now, after months working remotely, they are meeting again at L’animal. In this second encounter they will be collaborating with Anna Auquer and Miguel Matas, artistic directors of the formal and editorial side of the project. With them, they hope to find a structure and form that go beyond the linear and chronological, the recipe book and instruction manual. These need to reflect the raison d’être of the book, so that it captures and expresses not only what happens in class, but also the toing and froing, laden with gear, music and ideas, never knowing what might come along. In other words, a nomad book …

It’s not only a question of writing a book. The idea is to show how everything that happens in daily life is incorporated into their work and how they have been shaped by the day to day. The clear knowledge of this was one of their motives for starting on this project in the first place.