L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 11/09/2023 to 16/09/2023
Presentation :
On 16/09/2023 at 17:30 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
Festival interdisciplinari
Bhum! is back! (Human Frontiers Manifesto)
This seventh Bhum! is returning after three years of pause for the pandemic. This next event will be special as L’animal a l’esquena will now have the large space of the totally renovated farmhouse at its disposal. Thanks to a grant from the Direcció General del Patrimoni de la Generalitat de Catalunya, we can now use various spaces in the farmhouse prepared for activities and also a restored public area with toilets and kitchen that were not there before. These new spaces will allow us to provide a better quality, though more limited service.
This Bhum! will be attended by artists, technicians and volunteers generously giving their time to support L’animal and its place on the cultural map of the country.
Since the last Bhum! in 2019, we have adapted L’animal’s project after a period of great difficulty for the arts. The situation is still not easy but we want to reclaim our plans and, thanks to the support of many people, we resume Bhum!, a Manifesto, a Showcase, a Party, but above all the moment in the year when L’animal a l’esquena shares with the public the work of artists who have taken part in our creative programmes.
We will share the artistic proposals of LosInformalls, Cecilia Colacrai, Meritxell Colell, Mal Pelo, Tristán Pérez-Martín, Mariantònia Oliver, Baró d’Evel Cirk Cie, Xavi Bobés, Milagros García, Enric Ases, Andrés Corchero, Clara Peya, Miquel Fiol and Dani Claret, Leonor Leal and Antonio Moreno, Martí and Paula Ramis, Jana Castro, Enric Fàbregas, Marta Izquierdo, Jaume Guri, Bernat, Quiteria Muñoz, among others.
We ask you to respect the parking area (share a vehicle for our general sustainability!), to be respectful of our natural environment and to share this party in the best possible spirit. Follow the indications we will give you on your arrival at L’animal, in relation to the use of the spaces, waste management and driving of the act.
You can book your posts on https://entradium.com/events/bhum-7
Free entrance until age 12.
Young contribution (12 – 25 years) to the 5.00th event
Adult contribution 10.00ació
We'll be grateful if you let us know if you want to enjoy the dinner.
Link cena: https://entradium.com/events/sopar-bhum-7
En L'animal podreis comer un tentempié para poder continuar la noche si así os apetece!
There are some performances where spaces have limited capacity, we cannot ensure that all performances are attended by the entire public. However, you can enjoy more than 20 artistic proposals for dance, theatre, live music and video creations.
You can direct your questions to info@lanimal.org
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 11/09/2023 to 16/09/2023
Presentation :
On 16/09/2023 at 17:30 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
Festival interdisciplinari
Bhum! is back! (Human Frontiers Manifesto)
This seventh Bhum! is returning after three years of pause for the pandemic. This next event will be special as L’animal a l’esquena will now have the large space of the totally renovated farmhouse at its disposal. Thanks to a grant from the Direcció General del Patrimoni de la Generalitat de Catalunya, we can now use various spaces in the farmhouse prepared for activities and also a restored public area with toilets and kitchen that were not there before. These new spaces will allow us to provide a better quality, though more limited service.
This Bhum! will be attended by artists, technicians and volunteers generously giving their time to support L’animal and its place on the cultural map of the country.
Since the last Bhum! in 2019, we have adapted L’animal’s project after a period of great difficulty for the arts. The situation is still not easy but we want to reclaim our plans and, thanks to the support of many people, we resume Bhum!, a Manifesto, a Showcase, a Party, but above all the moment in the year when L’animal a l’esquena shares with the public the work of artists who have taken part in our creative programmes.
We will share the artistic proposals of LosInformalls, Cecilia Colacrai, Meritxell Colell, Mal Pelo, Tristán Pérez-Martín, Mariantònia Oliver, Baró d’Evel Cirk Cie, Xavi Bobés, Milagros García, Enric Ases, Andrés Corchero, Clara Peya, Miquel Fiol and Dani Claret, Leonor Leal and Antonio Moreno, Martí and Paula Ramis, Jana Castro, Enric Fàbregas, Marta Izquierdo, Jaume Guri, Bernat, Quiteria Muñoz, among others.
We ask you to respect the parking area (share a vehicle for our general sustainability!), to be respectful of our natural environment and to share this party in the best possible spirit. Follow the indications we will give you on your arrival at L’animal, in relation to the use of the spaces, waste management and driving of the act.
You can book your posts on https://entradium.com/events/bhum-7
Free entrance until age 12.
Young contribution (12 – 25 years) to the 5.00th event
Adult contribution 10.00ació
We'll be grateful if you let us know if you want to enjoy the dinner.
Link cena: https://entradium.com/events/sopar-bhum-7
En L'animal podreis comer un tentempié para poder continuar la noche si así os apetece!
There are some performances where spaces have limited capacity, we cannot ensure that all performances are attended by the entire public. However, you can enjoy more than 20 artistic proposals for dance, theatre, live music and video creations.
You can direct your questions to info@lanimal.org