Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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(Creation Residence )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 26/07/2024 to 31/07/2024

Laia Santanach

ico JARANA is the third part of the trilogy of work by this company for whom traditional collective practices are the main concepts underlying their research into contemporary dance as a vehicle for communication in dialogue with live electronic music, in relation to the space they inhabit.

JARANA looks into traditional practices that have disappeared or are in danger of disappearing. This proposal invites reflection about the importance of preserving traditional celebrations, while also exploring new forms of collective expression in an ever more rapidly changing and technological world.

JARANA is a project co-produced by Teatros del Canal, where it will be premiered on the 19th and 20th October, the Mercat de les Flors, where it will be performed from the 10th to the 13th April 2025, and Pimoff in Milan, where we held an artistic residency. We have also received support from L’animal a l’esquena, Aula de Mataró and TU de Llinars, where we have held residencies.