(Research Residence )
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 06/11/2017 to 11/11/2017
Presentation :
On 11/11/2017 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
Zero en conducta
The Zero en Conducta movement theatre project was set up in 2011 by José Antonio Puchadas (Putxa) with the aim of exploring the expressive potential of different performance arts in relation to movement. His research is centred around a fusion of body mime, dance, puppets and physical theatre in general.
Zero en Conducta also work on education concerning the manipulation of objects and bodies, and on audiovisual production.
Eh man hé! is a continuation of this exploration.
With performance movement and its variations at its core, this new production samples contemporary dance, body mime, puppeteering, acrobatics, physical theatre and magic to take us into the fantastical world of Nolan. It takes much more than words to explain this world.
Eh man hé! means a person with several souls in the Cheyenne language. In this piece our protagonist is a puppet and his spirits are five dancers, who bring him to life with their manipulation to give free rein to their imagination and feelings as represented on stage. The story unfolds between what Nolan sees and how he interprets this in his inner world, as portrayed by the actors, who not only manipulate the puppet but also perform choreographies.
The only scenery is some simple units, changing position to create different allegorical spaces.
Nolan is a young man living in a strange situation.
As a result of a cerebral haemorrhage he suffers from the little-known condition of Locked-in Syndrome. People think he is in a coma and therefore unaware of what goes on around him. But in fact his situation is very different. He feels, hears, smells and is aware of everything that happens. He wants to scream, touch, run away, but his body has become his prison.
“My life no longer belongs to me, as I cannot even leave it.” – Nolan.
To avoid despair in this predicament, Nolan learns to create his own world. A world of dreams, yearnings, fantasies and magic… a world that explains to Nolan why, despite not being able to move, his body carries on breathing.
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 06/11/2017 to 11/11/2017
Presentation :
On 11/11/2017 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
Zero en conducta

Zero en Conducta also work on education concerning the manipulation of objects and bodies, and on audiovisual production.
Eh man hé! is a continuation of this exploration.
With performance movement and its variations at its core, this new production samples contemporary dance, body mime, puppeteering, acrobatics, physical theatre and magic to take us into the fantastical world of Nolan. It takes much more than words to explain this world.
Eh man hé! means a person with several souls in the Cheyenne language. In this piece our protagonist is a puppet and his spirits are five dancers, who bring him to life with their manipulation to give free rein to their imagination and feelings as represented on stage. The story unfolds between what Nolan sees and how he interprets this in his inner world, as portrayed by the actors, who not only manipulate the puppet but also perform choreographies.
The only scenery is some simple units, changing position to create different allegorical spaces.
Nolan is a young man living in a strange situation.
As a result of a cerebral haemorrhage he suffers from the little-known condition of Locked-in Syndrome. People think he is in a coma and therefore unaware of what goes on around him. But in fact his situation is very different. He feels, hears, smells and is aware of everything that happens. He wants to scream, touch, run away, but his body has become his prison.
“My life no longer belongs to me, as I cannot even leave it.” – Nolan.
To avoid despair in this predicament, Nolan learns to create his own world. A world of dreams, yearnings, fantasies and magic… a world that explains to Nolan why, despite not being able to move, his body carries on breathing.