(Research Laboratory )
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 17/06/2019 to 23/06/2019
Presentation :
On 22/06/2019 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
Sociedad Doctor Alonso
Contrakant is above all a space that doesn’t yet exist and needs to be activated. The energy that activates this space of real friction is rage. Rage against Kant. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher who developed his ideas during the 18th Century, was the first proponent of Criticism and the father of German idealism. He is now considered one of the most important figures of modern European and universal thought.
Contrakant will consist of a series of encounters between artists using the practices and tools they each bring to look into a set of questions. To avoid an excess of a priori work that might somehow kill off the unknown paths down which this research might reach, we’ll only settle on the basic questions to be put in play at the first meeting. Contrakant will be a series of encounters numbered Contrakant 1, 2, 3… so that following on from the work done in Contrakant 1, and according to the results, problems and questions arising from it, we’ll think how to go about the next encounter.
Contrakant 1
We’ll fix the basic questions we want to deal with at the first meeting of this infinite research engine. At this first Contrakant encounter, and in order to activate from the start all the alarms that can stop us using our deepest and most firmly established a prioris, the questions will be:
What is space? What does it consist of? Can a space be formed? How does space change? (Space-makeup-formation-change).
On this occasion we are starting out with a very small nucleus that will later go on to include, with each new encounter, all the other ingredients that can rub along fruitfully with the journey that has begun.
In the basic team we will distinguish between two essential tasks:
The creators. Sofia Asencio Aznar (chief instigator) and Jaime Vallaure (member of the Torreznos and first guest of the project).
They will be responsible for putting their bodies into battle. They will be the ones who immerse themselves in all the practicalities and ideas that arise during the encounters. They will be the study material. They will be both on the inside and on the outside.
The dramatists. Tomás Aragay (second instigator of the whole thing). Albert Quesada, Los Moñekos, Grupo Rotunda, Explica Danza, La Veronal, Pera Faura.
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 17/06/2019 to 23/06/2019
Presentation :
On 22/06/2019 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
Sociedad Doctor Alonso

Contrakant will consist of a series of encounters between artists using the practices and tools they each bring to look into a set of questions. To avoid an excess of a priori work that might somehow kill off the unknown paths down which this research might reach, we’ll only settle on the basic questions to be put in play at the first meeting. Contrakant will be a series of encounters numbered Contrakant 1, 2, 3… so that following on from the work done in Contrakant 1, and according to the results, problems and questions arising from it, we’ll think how to go about the next encounter.
Contrakant 1
We’ll fix the basic questions we want to deal with at the first meeting of this infinite research engine. At this first Contrakant encounter, and in order to activate from the start all the alarms that can stop us using our deepest and most firmly established a prioris, the questions will be:
What is space? What does it consist of? Can a space be formed? How does space change? (Space-makeup-formation-change).
On this occasion we are starting out with a very small nucleus that will later go on to include, with each new encounter, all the other ingredients that can rub along fruitfully with the journey that has begun.
In the basic team we will distinguish between two essential tasks:
The creators. Sofia Asencio Aznar (chief instigator) and Jaime Vallaure (member of the Torreznos and first guest of the project).
They will be responsible for putting their bodies into battle. They will be the ones who immerse themselves in all the practicalities and ideas that arise during the encounters. They will be the study material. They will be both on the inside and on the outside.
The dramatists. Tomás Aragay (second instigator of the whole thing). Albert Quesada, Los Moñekos, Grupo Rotunda, Explica Danza, La Veronal, Pera Faura.