(Creation Residence )
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 07/10/2019 to 11/10/2019
Presentation :
On 11/10/2019 at 20:30 in El Canal (Salt)
Mal Pelo
On Goldberg Variations/Variations is the first part of the Bach Project, a piece for seven performers in collaboration with the French-American musician Dan Tepfer.
The Goldberg Variations were composed for keyboard in 1741. They consist of a single theme, an aria, thirty variations and a reprise of the aria. What links them all is not a shared melody but a background of harmonic variations on the bass line. The tunes may vary but underlying them is a constant theme. Dan Tepfer, in his Goldberg Variations/Variations, offers J S Bach’s Goldberg Variations combined with his own variations improvised on the same harmonies. As a performer and composer, Dan Tepfer has vast experience in classical, jazz and electronic music.
Artistic credits
Directors, María Muñoz y Pep Ramis
Assistants to direction, Leo Castro, Federica Porello
Creators and performers, Jordi Casanovas, María Muñoz, Zuriñe Benavente, Pep Ramis, Federica Porello, Enric Fàbregas, Zoltan Vakulya
Music, Goldberg Variations / Variations by Dan Tepfer on the Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach
Poems, John Berger
Lighting, August Viladomat
Sound space, Fanny Thollot
Costumes, CarmePuigdevalliPlantéS
Design and set construction, Kike Blanco
Sound technician, Andreu Bramón
Lighting technician and technical coordination, Irene Ferrer
Video projections, Martí Ramis
Pictures, Tristán Pérez-Martín
Management, Gemma Massó
Promoter manager, Eduard Teixidor
Duration, 70 minutes
A co production by: Mal Pelo, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Dansa Quinzena Metropolitana
de Barcelona and Icec-Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
In collaboration with L’animal a l’esquena and Théâtre Archipel de Perpignan.
Premier at Teatre Nacional de Catalunya from 28 to 31 March 2019.
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 07/10/2019 to 11/10/2019
Presentation :
On 11/10/2019 at 20:30 in El Canal (Salt)
Mal Pelo

The Goldberg Variations were composed for keyboard in 1741. They consist of a single theme, an aria, thirty variations and a reprise of the aria. What links them all is not a shared melody but a background of harmonic variations on the bass line. The tunes may vary but underlying them is a constant theme. Dan Tepfer, in his Goldberg Variations/Variations, offers J S Bach’s Goldberg Variations combined with his own variations improvised on the same harmonies. As a performer and composer, Dan Tepfer has vast experience in classical, jazz and electronic music.
Artistic credits
Directors, María Muñoz y Pep Ramis
Assistants to direction, Leo Castro, Federica Porello
Creators and performers, Jordi Casanovas, María Muñoz, Zuriñe Benavente, Pep Ramis, Federica Porello, Enric Fàbregas, Zoltan Vakulya
Music, Goldberg Variations / Variations by Dan Tepfer on the Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach
Poems, John Berger
Lighting, August Viladomat
Sound space, Fanny Thollot
Costumes, CarmePuigdevalliPlantéS
Design and set construction, Kike Blanco
Sound technician, Andreu Bramón
Lighting technician and technical coordination, Irene Ferrer
Video projections, Martí Ramis
Pictures, Tristán Pérez-Martín
Management, Gemma Massó
Promoter manager, Eduard Teixidor
Duration, 70 minutes
A co production by: Mal Pelo, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Dansa Quinzena Metropolitana
de Barcelona and Icec-Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
In collaboration with L’animal a l’esquena and Théâtre Archipel de Perpignan.
Premier at Teatre Nacional de Catalunya from 28 to 31 March 2019.