Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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 Morta Esplendor 
(Creation Residence )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 23/05/2022 to 04/06/2022
Presentation :
On 04/06/2022 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Bárbara Sánchez

ico MORTA SPLENDOR is a research and performance creation project that aims to explore our consciousness of death, questioning death itself as well as our spiritual and social relationship with it. The idea is to bring in different ways of looking at death: the death of the theatre, the death of values, of relationships, of eras. Could the end be a new beginning? Bárbara Sánchez, in this new creation process, intends to explore a collection of existential metaphors through which to draw closer to the consciousness of the public. She traces a broad arc, from the precariousness of her own life as an artist to the supposed death of western societies.

MORTA SPLENDOR is also an act of liberation and an exaltation of life. As Octavio Paz said, “Our cult of death is a cult of life”. For this, Bárbara Sánchez’s alter ego will appear in many forms throughout the piece: as a mistress of ceremonies, a painter of vanities, a “finisher-off” (or mid-wife of death), or a mourner.

Idea, creation and performance: Bárbara Sánchez:
Dramatic consultant: Jaime Conde-Salazar
External regard: Alberto Cortés
Lighting design: Benito Jiménez
Sound creation space: Susana Hernández (Ylia)

Coproduction: Festival Meet You de Valladolid i el Teatro Central de Sevilla.
With the backing of: Azala, L´Estruch, Ágora, Teatro de La Villa, Eima.