Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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(Creation Residence )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 04/07/2022 to 09/07/2022
Presentation :
On 09/07/2022 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Albert Quesada, FRAMES Percussion

ico Desierto is based on the piece Timber by the US composer Michael Gordon. It will combine dance with an innovative sound design. The idea is to reinterpret the musical piece through a unique immersive experience.
The show, designed for six musicians and three dancers, aims to emphasise the austerity and physicality of the sound content and communicate it to the audience. It will consist of dance close up to the spectators, with sound amplification that focusses attention on the subtle and delicate shifts of the music of Michael Gordon, placing the audience at the centre of the sound.
One singular feature of the project will be the arrangement in concentric circles of audience, dancers and musicians. The musicians will be at the centre of the piece, as the visual axis and backing curtain for the dance.

We want to look into the possible aesthetic experience for the spectator, creating a space for reflection. We will start with the idea of the desert, and everything that arises from its imagery, so distant and exotic, so as then to combine it with the more everyday and local environment of the theatre and of the city. We shall explore different qualities, temporary states and sensations of both spaces: the austerity and density of an immense desert in relation to the closeness, multitudes and complexities of the city. We want to explore physical and mental states beyond those we find in our everyday lives in Barcelona, visiting desert cultures to rethink our relationship with space and other people. By comparing these spaces we hope to reach a better understanding of the space we inhabit.

Music: Timber (2009) De Michael Gordon
Musicians: FRAMES Percussion (Sabela Castro Rodríguez, Javier Delgado Pérez, Rubén M. Orio, Daniel Munarriz Senosiain, Sergio Sande, Miquel Vich Vila)
Artistic director: Miquel Vich Vila
Choreography and director: Albert Quesada
Dance: Albert Quesada, Katie Vickers and Georgia Vardarou
Sound design: Oriol Baulenas Costa
Lightng and set design: Llorenç Balaguer
Costumes design: Jorge Dutor

Production: Albert Quesada / FRAMES Percussion
Co-producers: L'Auditori de Barcelona; in collaboration with Festival GREC de Barcelona.
Premier:16/07/2022 as part of the ESCENAS season at the Auditorio de Barcelona
Residencies: El Graner (Barcelona), La Visiva and el Konvent
With the support of Ajuntament de Barcelona, SACD.