175/2 |  |  | Embodied Context: On Dramaturgy in Contemporary Dance and Performance | Bojana Kunst | 01/04/2008 | [76pag] | Eng | Reader del seminari de Bojana Kunst
-Kunst, B.: "Embodied context: On Dramaturgy in Contemporary Dance and Performance"
-Bauer, E.: "Becoming Room, Becoming Mac. New Artistic Identities in the Transnational Brussels Dance Community"
-Kunst, B.: "On protocols, collaboration and language"
-Schneider, F.: "Collaboration".
-Cvejic, B.: "Learning by making"
- Ploebst, H.:"Meeting Yvonne Rainer"(entrevista)
-Ingvartsen, Mette: "Towards a practical understanding of theory"
-Lesage, D.: "A portrait of the artist as a poet".