2001 |
1 | Creación a tres | Creation Residence | Felix Ruckhert |
1 | Meeting on the edge (Encuentro en el límite) | Research Residence | Aaben Dans |
| Thousands of months | Creation Residence | Pep Ramis |
2 | Grand Ecart | Creation Residence | Toni Cots, Jordi Cortés, Alessandro Quaranta |
2002 |
| Investigación Patrícia Lama | Research Residence Lab | Patrícia Lamas |
2003 |
3 | Sample 2 BCN. | Creation Residence | Walter Verdin |
1 | Solo | Creation Residence | Opiyo Okach |
3 | An (Introducción) | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
1 | Ensayo Opiyo Okach | Creation Residence | Opiyo Okach |
1 | Body Document. The re(making) project. | Research Residence | Colette Sadler |
1 | Pasarela / Silencio | Creation Residence | La Pendiente, Ana Eulate |
5 | La luz del nacimiento. Luchando con Dostoievski. | Creation Residence | Betontanc |
3 | Le tombeau d'Orlando | Creation Residence | Anne Reymann |
2004 |
| Ölelés | Creation Residence | Jordi Cortés, Damián Muñoz |
2 | Procession | Research Residence | Commerce |
3 | Hablar vosotros 1. Plastic Sun | Creation Residence | Carlos Fernández |
17 | L'animal i Kabako. L'étoile des lézards. | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Faustin Linyekula, Mal Pelo |
4 | Como agua de mayo | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Àngels Margarit, Andrés Corchero |
3 | Le Pur Hasard | Creation Residence | Nacera Belaza |
2005 |
2 | Tuning | Creation Residence Lab | Lisa Nelson |
4 | Universos y narrativas de realidad aumentada en la escena | Research Residence | Kònic Thtr |
4 | Bajo Tierra | Creation Residence | Jordi Galí, Fred Debrock, Borja Ramos, Tom De Wit |
3 | Instructions | Creation Residence | Christina Ciupke, Nik Haffner |
3 | El Colegio del Cuerpo | Creation Residence | Álvaro Restrepo |
3 | Lluna Peluda | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Sol Picó |
6 | Steve Paxton | Writing Residence | Steve Paxton |
3 | Personas a punto de resquebrajarse dentro de mí | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Hisako Horikawa, Ema Nik, Carme Torrent |
11 | In Face Of:Take 2 (2ª parte) | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | María Muñoz, Lisa Nelson |
2006 |
| Deslunados | Creation Residence | Cel Ràs |
3 | Dueto | Creation Residence | Idoia Zabaleta, Filipa Francisco |
1 | Testimoni de llops | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
3 | Katrina Brown | Research Residence | Katrina Brown |
4 | 3 Encuentros o 3 en busca de su director | Creation Residence | Mònica Muntaner, Bea Fernández, Silvia Sant, Elena Córdoba, Ana Buitrago, Olga Mesa |
5 | Escena Aumentada | Research Residence Lab | Kònic Thtr |
4 | Germán Jáuregui | Research Residence | Open |
2 | De los Márgenes | Research Residence | La Sospechosa |
6 | Toni Serra | Writing Residence | Toni Serra |
2 | God-Dog | Creation Residence | Cia BASHO |
1 | Shift...Centre... | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Opiyo Okach |
5 | Un pescador con subtítulos | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Mónica Valenciano |
3 | Mos_ai_que | Research Residence | Cristiano Carpanini |
1 | Residéncia de escritura | Writing Residence | Scott deLahunta |
6 | Orion | Creation Residence | Cesc Gelabert |
2007 |
8 | Saïd Ait El Moumen | Research Residence | Saïd Ait El Moumen |
2 | Gloria Caduca | Creation Residence | Cia Lucier |
7 | Los Corderos | Research Residence | Los Corderos |
1 | Zootrop | Creation Residence | Jordà Ferrer, Olatz Andrés |
2 | Representación, presentación, impresentable | Research Residence | Marta Galán |
4 | Espacio Triple Sonoro | Creation Residence | Masu Fajardo |
| Escollo | Research Residence | Constanza Brncic, Jordi Mas |
| Los Corderos | Research Residence | Los Corderos |
4 | Tomeu Verges | Creation Residence | Cia Man Drake, Tomeu Verges |
| Sasa Canalla | Creation Residence | |
1 | Cherrybone | Creation Residence | Kònic Thr |
| Investigación | Writing Residence | Scott deLahunta |
2 | François et léon | Creation Residence | Santiago Sempere |
3 | Amici per la pizza | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Pep Ramis, Jordi Casanovas, Simone Sandroni |
14 | Steve Paxton / Contredanse | Writing Residence Network | Steve Paxton, Contredanse |
2008 |
6 | Nothing Can Surprise Us (Nada nos puede sorprender) | Creation Residence Absent Interfaces | Andrea Bozic |
5 | Creación 2008: (2ª parte)La Instrucción | Creation Residence | Marta Galán |
1 | He visto caballos | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
2 | L'autisme del jo | Creation Residence | Pep Aymerich |
4 | Io lusso | Creation Residence | Andrea Fagarazzi, I_Chen Zuffellato |
1 | Notation | Creation Residence | Scott deLahunta |
5 | Amadou | Creation Residence | Leo Castro, Mal Pelo |
3 | The Knod Theory and Encounters | Creation Residence Absent Interfaces | Aylin Kalem, Beliz Demircioglu Cihandide |
6 | "T" | Creation Residence | Jordi Galí |
1 | Projecte de Recerca Pedagògica (PRP) | Research Residence | Aimar Pérez Galí |
3 | CV: Template para autobiografía | Research Residence | Cecilia Vallejos |
1 | ¿Y yo que hago aquí? | Creation Residence | K-mut |
5 | Jukebox | Creation Residence | Jordi Casanovas |
6 | Cheap imitation and repertoire studies | Research Residence | Vincent Dunoyer |
| Ric Allsopp | Writing Residence | Ric Allsopp |
2 | Athar | Creation Residence | Saïd Ait El Moumen |
5 | A (d'aigua) | Creation Residence Lab Meeting | Kònic Thtr |
2009 |
6 | A taula! | Creation Residence | Playground |
1 | Abécédaire | Research Residence Writing Residence | Andrée Martin |
| Residencia de creación Pep Ramis | Creation Residence | Pep Ramis, Mal Pelo |
2 | Residencia de creación de Germán Jauregui | Creation Residence | Germán Jauregui |
3 | Vinc assedegada de paisatge (Vengo sedienta de paisaje) | Creation Residence | La Perla x la Dansa |
| Restos de mis series II (Intérpretes) documento-acción | Research Residence | Bea Fernández, Las Santas |
3 | Field works (Trabajos de campo) | Creation Residence Absent Interfaces | Heine Avdal, deepblue |
1 | Dramaturgia del espacio-tiempo y territorialidad | Research Residence | República Cênica |
5 | Estancias | Creation Residence | Jorge Jauregui |
3 | Los Corderos | Research Residence | Los Corderos |
4 | Swimming horses | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
5 | Amadou | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Leo Castro |
4 | UNFALLING | Creation Residence | Ayara Hernández, Felix Marchand |
1 | Jukebox | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | Jordi Casanovas |
2010 |
3 | NIGHT PEOPLE | Creation Residence | Pablo Fidalgo, Estefanía García |
1 | A-maze | Research Residence | Martin Bélanger |
1 | TODOS LOS NOMBRES | Creation Residence | María Muñoz |
| Ciel | Creation Residence | Jordi Galí |
| Miniatures (Gruppo Nanou) | Creation Residence | Gruppo Nanou |
| Palabras íntimas | Creation Residence | Ana Sanchez Couso |
| Intercambio de piel | Creation Residence | María Claudia Mejía |
3 | [a] | Research Residence | Centro Rural del Arte |
2 | Archivo cos creació pensament | Creation Residence Conference | L'animal a l'esquena, Elena Oña |
| A piece...together? (Una pieza... ¿juntos?) | Research Residence | Paz Rojo, Lucas Condro, Natalia Tencer, Cristian duarte |
| MINIATURAS (AMMAR HABLI) | Creation Residence | Ammar Habli |
| Poemas de amor y cuerpo | Research Residence | Mònica Muntaner |
| Erre que erre | Research Residence | Mario Garcia Saez, Víctor Zambrana |
| Habitáculo | Research Residence | Vicent Gisbert |
| Cámara oscura | Creation Residence | Ángeles Ciscar |
| MUTIN | Creation Residence | Florence Corin |
| TODOS LOS NOMBRES | Creation Residence | María Muñoz |
| "2" | Creation Residence | Eduard Fernández, Pep Ramis |
2011 |
| PRIVOLVA | Creation Residence | Olatz Andrés |
| TALA | Creation Residence | Gonzalo Cunill, Juan Navarro |
| CAMMINARE NELLA FRANA | Research Residence | Leonardo Delogu |
| LA INTIMITAT D'INSOMNI | Creation Residence Temporada Alta | PLAYGROUND |
| Projecte Ramón i Estela 2108 | Creation Residence | SOCIEDAD DOCTOR ALONSO |
| EN CONFECCIÓN (Canción Laverinto) | Creation Residence | Mónica Valenciano |
| Todo esto que nos separa es solo tiempo | Research Residence | Leo Castro |
| La incorruptible belleza de la distancia | Creation Residence | Cecilia Colacrai |
| SICFI (Live Visual) | Creation Residence | Nico Baixas |
| Busca | Research Residence | Baro d'Evel circus Company |
| Refugios, cabañas y otras construcciones efímeras (Bhum !) | Creation Residence L'animal Tardor (Autumn) HumanBoundaryManifesto | l'animal a l'esquena |
1 | PROYECTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN COMPOSICIÓN ESPONTÁNEA | Research Residence | Thomas McManus, Christine Kono, Dimitris Kraniotis |
| Interacció art i natura | Creation Residence | Pep Aymerich, Quim Paredes |
| Slow sports | Creation Residence | Albert Quesada |
| He Matado al Príncipe | Creation Residence | Marta Izquierdo, Samuel Pajand |
2012 |
| Li mit mot of | Creation Residence | Neus Villà |
2 | MAZÙT | Creation Residence | Baro d'Evel circus Company |
| CONSTRUCCIÓN VERTICAL | Creation Residence | Joaquin Jara |
| Lo Natural | Creation Residence | Amaranta Velarde |
2 | Aquí también | Research Residence | Alain Forneau |
1 | Fenster | Creation Residence | Vicent Gisbert |
1 | Frankensteing | Creation Residence | Losquequedan |
| Los Corderos | Creation Residence | Los Corderos |
| Identitat | Research Residence | Ariadna Rodríguez |
| Documentación orgánica | Creation Residence | Lupita Pulpo |
| Des-fer (Deshacer) | Research Residence | Joan Vilajoana |
| Proyecto Let's Play? vuelve a nacer sin manual de instrucciones | Creation Residence | Thaïs Botinas |
1 | Salón Otto | Research Residence | Cia. Teresa Navarrete |
| Retrats | Research Residence | Leo Castro |
| Loscorderos,SC | Research Residence | Los corderos |
| Confession | Creation Residence | Germán Jauregui |
1 | Retrats | Research Residence | Leo Castro |
2013 |
| Monstruos / Objeto de objeto | Research Residence | Playground |
| Residencia loscorderos.sc | Creation Residence | loscorderos.sc |
| La esperanza de vida de una liebre | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| My neighbor sky | Creation Residence | Andrés Corchero, Oguri |
| DVD | Research Residence | Vincent Dunoyer |
| Residencia LOSCORDEROS SC | Creation Residence | loscorderos.sc |
| Blanc | Creation Residence | Vania Vaneau |
| Le comédien malgré lui | Creation Residence | Théâtre de la Corneille |
| Salon Otto | Creation Residence | Cia. Teresa Navarrete |
| Pelat | Creation Residence | Joan Català |
| Solo Olivia | Creation Residence | Leo Castro |
| La esperanza de vida de una liebre | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
2014 |
| Monstres | Creation Residence | Xavier Bobés, Playground |
| La esperanza de vida de una liebre | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| ULTRAinocencia | Creation Residence | loscorderos.sc |
| La diferencia | Research and Creation Laboratory | Pastora Galván |
| Barbecho | Creation Residence | Natxo Montero, Laia Cabrera |
| La diferencia | Research and Creation Laboratory | Pastora Galván |
| Hacia una estética de la buena voluntad | Creation Residence | Amaranta Velarde |
| Par4sit3 | Research Residence | Pablo Rega, Chus Domínguez |
| Can't | Creation Residence | Igor Urzelai - Moreno Solinas |
| Con la luz por delante | Writing Residence | Ramón Rey |
| Diálogos | Research Residence | Amador Artiga, Xavier Bobés
| no land[e]scape | Research Residence | Raquel Gualtero |
| Beneath the surface | Research Residence | Katrina Brown |
| Explica Dansa | Research Residence | Toni Jodar |
| Ji Gou (de acelgas y aceras) | Research Residence | Neus Villà, Janet Novás |
| Vaivén | Creation Residence | Juan Kruz Díaz de Garaio Esnaola, Antonio Ruz |
| Rastro | Research Residence | Lucía Valeta, Vera Garat, Tamara Gómez |
| este lugar entre | Creation Residence | Beatriz Fernández |
| Construcción vertical | Creation Residence | Joaquín Jara |
| Monstres Objete de objete | Creation Residence | Xavier Bobés, Playground |
| La esperanza de vida de una liebre | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| El quinto invierno | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| Filmar la danza II- las 3D-imensiones | Research and Creation Laboratory | NU2's |
| Statues | Research Residence | Federica Porello, Ilan Manouach |
2015 |
| El quinto invierno | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| Sudando el discurso | Writing Residence | Aimar Pérez Galí |
| Mirades01/Cosas que se olvidan fácilmente | Creation Residence | Xavier Bobés |
| El quinto invierno | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| La medida del desorden | Creation Residence | Thomas Hauert, Group La Bolsa |
| We Women | Creation Residence | Sol Picó |
| Movimiento y heterotopía | Research Residence | Cartografies Sensibles |
| De acelgas y aceras | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2015 | Neus Villà |
| Mirades02 | Creation Residence | Xavier Bobés |
| Taking a walk | Research Residence | Helena Pellisé, Guy Leon |
| Nada es para siempre | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2015 | loscorderos.sc |
| Mirades03 | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2015 | Xavier Bobés |
| El quinto invierno | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| Encuentro 1 | Research and Creation Laboratory | NEVADA Lab |
| Mirades04 | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2015 | Xavier Bobés |
| Friends in the library | Creation Residence | Andreas Denk, Jordi Casanovas |
| De acelgas y aceras | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2015 | Neus Villà |
| Siete Lunas | Creation Residence | María Muñoz, Niño de Elche |
| La banda del fin del mundo | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2015 | loscorderos.sc |
| Siete Lunas | Creation Residence | María Muñoz, Niño de Elche |
| El quinto invierno | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| Tecnologías del Yo | Creation Residence | Roser Tutusaus |
| Antes y después de bailar (Sesiones individuales con desconocidos) | Research Residence | Mònica Muntaner, Hugo Barbosa |
| We Women | Creation Residence | Sol Picó |
| De acelgas y aceras | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2015 | Neus Villà |
| Do not retain us | Creation Residence | Rima Maroun |
2016 |
| Mal Pelo at Mercat de les Flors | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| Sweet Fever | Creation Residence | Pere Faura |
| Extraños mares arden (Pacífico #3) | Creation Residence | Txalo Toloza, Laida Azkona |
| Ji Gou: Preludio y fuga en La Menor | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2016 | Neus Villà |
| Menar (A gesture, a dance, a circus) | Creation Residence | Roser Tutusaus, Joan Català |
| Zonzo 2.0 | Creation Residence | Laia Cabrera, Alex Ardid |
| anya: The House of Free Women | Creation Residence | Marta Vergonyós, Beatriz Santiago |
| Sweet Fever | Creation Residence | Pere Faura |
| Ji Gou: Preludio y fuga en La Menor | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2016 | Neus Villà |
| Trobada | Creation Residence | Enric Ases, Pep Ramis, Piero Steiner |
| Unheimliche | Creation Residence | Sandra Sotelo |
| O.V.N.I (Objectes Varis No Identificats) | Creation Residence | Big Bouncers |
| Tata Mala | Creation Residence | Enric Montefusco |
| Envoltura | Creation Residence | Idoia Zabaleta |
| Cartografías sensibles - Space and Notation | Research Residence - Associate Project 2016 | Eugenia García Sottile, Joaquín Jara, Rosa Rodríguez |
| BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FUTURE / AUTOFICTION. | Writing Residence | Marta Galán |
| Afasians – The last conference | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2016 | loscorderos.sc, Za! |
| Encuentro | Research and Creation Laboratory - Associate Project 2016 | NEVADA Lab |
| SWEET PRECARITY / From the trilogy SWEET SUITE | Creation Residence | Pere Faura |
| Imprenta acústica en (14 borrones) de una aparición | Creation Residence | Mónica Valenciano |
| Des Fraises et du Sang | Creation Residence | Véronique Delarché, Marie Bosque, Geneviève Sorin |
| Ji Gou: Preludio y fuga en La Menor | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2016 | Neus Villà |
| BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FUTURE / AUTOFICTION. | Writing Residence | Marta Galán |
| Danza más cabra - The Horn of Plenty Dress/Summer 2016 | Creation Residence | Tania Arias |
| LA OBRA VACÍA(se ha llenado de flores)/THE EMPTY PIECE (now filled with flowers) | Creation Residence | Natalia Jiménez, Jorge Gallardo |
| THE TOUCHING COMMUNITY | Creation Residence | Aimar Pérez Galí |
| Trobada II/Encounter II | Creation Residence | Enric Ases, Pep Ramis, Piero Steiner, Andrés Corchero |
| The Mountain, the Thruth and the Paradise | Creation Residence | Pep Ramis |
| The Mountain, the Thruth and the Paradise | Creation Residence | Pep Ramis |
| PERIODO SOLICITUD PARA RESIDENCIAS 2017 | Creation Residence | L'animal a l'esquena |
| Basic Structures | Creation Residence DESEMBRenDANSA | Group LaBolsa, Mal Pelo |
| Ji Gou: Preludio y fuga en La Menor/ Ji Gou: Prelude and Fugue in La Minor | Performance DESEMBRenDANSA | Neus Villà |
| Crash | Performance DESEMBRenDANSA | La Taimada, Olga Álvarez, Jordi Cabestany |
| AIREnoAR | Performance DESEMBRenDANSA | AIREnoAR, María Move, Álvaro Reboredo Ortega “Fitinho” |
| La Finestra | Performance DESEMBRenDANSA | Jove Companyia de l’EMDC |
| Process of construction for the stage: architecture, memory and objects | Research and Creation Laboratory | Xavier Bobés, Andrea Díaz |
2017 |
| WeWood | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2017-2018 | Federica Porello, Marine Broise, Xavi Moreno |
| JALEO | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2017-2018 | Leonor Leal |
| EVOLUTION 2.0 | Creation Residence | Bricadeira |
| RUMBREJAR II- provisional title | Creation Residence | Natàlia Espinet |
| PEER GYNT | Creation Residence | Quiteria Muñoz, Úrsula Segarra, Dory Sánchez |
| Practice Makes Perfect | - Associate Project 2017-2018 | Marta Izquierdo |
| The Fifth Winter | Rehearsals | Mal Pelo |
| CICATRIZ | Creation Residence | Lucía Marote, Poliana Lima, Jesús Rubio |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| Women Inhabiting Bodies – provisional title A discussion of gender in the practice of dance-theatre | Writing Residence | Antonella D'Ascenzi |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| UNTITLED | Research and Creation Laboratory | Alain Fourneau, Geneviève Sorin |
| Las Muchísimas | Creation Residence | Mariantònia Oliver |
| Cadira | Creation Residence | Pep Aymerich |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| La sala d’espera - The waiting room | Creation Residence | Meritxell Campos Olivé
| WOWOWOW | Creation Residence | Quim Bigas, FANCLUB
| LÀ (There) | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2017-2018 | Baró d'Evel
| RESTOS DE COSAS/REMAINS OF THINGS | Creation Residence | Xavier Bobés, Salvador Sunyer
| La Falaise (The Cliff) | Research and Creation Laboratory - Associate Project 2017-2018 | Baró d'Evel
| Los limones, la nieve y todo lo demás | Creation Residence | Mónica García, Ana Vallés
| TROBADA 3 | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2017-2018 | El Club |
| Las Muchísimas | Research Residence | Mariantònia Oliver |
| DESPLAZARSE | Creation Residence | Laila Padovan |
| Practice Makes Perfect | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2017-2018 | Marta Izquierdo |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| BIRAKA! | Creation Residence | Nerea Martínez |
| WERNER O EL AZUL DE LOS ORÍGENES | Creation Residence | Vera-Miranda |
| Eh man hé! | Research Residence | Zero en conducta |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| Process of construction for the stage: architecture, memory and objects | Research and Creation Laboratory | Andrea Díaz, Xavier Bobés |
| Ameba | Creation Residence | Los Moñekos |
| Nocturne nº3 | Creation Residence | Leonor Leal |
| Las Muchísimas | Research Residence | Mariantònia Oliver |
| Do not retain us | Creation Residence | Rima Maroun |
| Método Negro | Creation Residence | Javier Martín |
| COR/Pirómana d’Argos | Creation Residence | Nuria Iglesias |
2018 |
| Nocturno | Creation Residence | Leonor Leal |
| Una | Research Residence | Pau Aran Gimeno, Maite Jáuregui |
| Practice Makes Perfect | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2017-2018 | Marta Izquierdo |
| CASA | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2018 | David Climent, loscorderos-sc, Pere Jou, Sònia Gómez |
| THIRST AND THE REVOLUTION | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2018 | El Club |
| LA SED Y LA REVOLUCIÓN / THIRST AND REVOLUTION | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2018 | El Club |
| Fall | Creation Residence | Lucía Marote |
| BACH | Creation Residence - Resident Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| LA EDAD DE LA CARNE. SALVAJES / THE AGE OF FLESH. WILD | Creation Residence | Elena Córdoba |
| Intense inhabitation of the installations of Mal Pelo | Creation Residence | María Eugenia García |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| Basic Structures | Residency by Associate Company | Group LaBolsa |
| Aqui, siempre/Here, Always | Creation Residence | Poliana Lima |
| Gota a gota | Creation Residence | El Canto de la Cabra |
| JONÀS / JONAH | Creation Residence | Joan Miquel Artigues |
| WEWOOD | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2018 | Federica Porello, Xavi Moreno, Marine Broise |
| APORIA, A choreographic attempt by Isaak Erdoiza and Nazario Díaz | Creation Residence | Isaak Erdoiza, Nazario Díaz |
| Cuatro octavas y media /Four and a Half Octaves | Creation Residence | Mònica Muntaner, Rosa Muñoz |
| SCORZO/FORESHORTENING (a broadcast) | Creation Residence | Beatriz Fernández, Marina Colomina |
| Lemons, Snow and All the Rest | Creation Residence | Matarile Teatro |
| THIRST AND THE REVOLUTION | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2018 | El Club |
| SA MATEIXA | Creation Residence | Lali Ayguadé |
| WERNER O EL AZUL DE LOS ORÍGENES | Creation Residence | María García Vera, Juan Pablo Miranda |
| Retrats Errants | Residency by Associate Company | Group LaBolsa |
2019 |
| On Goldberg Variations / Variations | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| On Goldberg Variations / Variations | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| SOMA | Creation Residence | Javier Martín, Joaquín Jara |
| DESDE LO IMPREVISTO / UNEXPECTED | Creation Residence | Rosalía Zanón |
| LLOPS TRISTOS / SAD WOLVES | Creation Residence | Cia l'Aviador |
| Wi (n) dow | Creation Residence | Pau Aran |
| SER | Creation Residence | Sira Aymerich, Pep Aymerich |
| This is water | Creation Residence | Juan Navarro, Gonzalo Cunill |
| LA SED Y LA REVOLUCIÓN/THIRST AND REVOLUTION | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2019 | Osso Club – Andrés Corchero, Enric Ases, Pep Ramis, Piero Steiner |
| COS-A- COS-O (CUERP(O)-A-CUERP-O)/ HAND TO HAND | Creation Residence | Fil d’Arena Teatro-danza |
| Tengo Tiempo/I Have Time (from the series Top Mantras) | Creation Residence Collaborative Project | Idoia Zabaleta |
| Animal Locomotion | Creation Residence | Cie Maygetsin Christophe Le Goff |
| Self-escape | Creation Residence | Zoltàn Vakulya |
| Cuadernos sobre el tocar / fulgor / tachin [Notebooks on Touching/Glow/Ta Da] | Writing Residence | Aimar Pérez Galí, Jaime Conde Salazar |
| RETRATOS ERRANTES | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2019 | La Bolsa |
| THINKING SQUARES | Creation Residence | Margareta Firinger, Chiara Marolla, Jovana Zelenovich |
| SER/BEING | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2019 | Sira Aymerich, Pep Aymerich |
| GUÉRILLÈRES | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2019 | Marta Izquierdo |
| Octava Errante (Tercer Pasaje)/Wandering Octavia (Third Passage) | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2019 | Mónica Valenciano |
| ON GOLDERG VARIATIONS / VARIATIONS | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| THE MOUNTAIN, THE TRUTH AND THE PARADISE | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| En lo alto para siempre / Forever Overhead | Creation Residence | Juan Navarro, Gonzalo Cunill |
| El cos creatiu | Writing Residence | Alba Delgado |
| La melancolia del turista | Creation Residence | Oligor y Microscopía |
| ON GOLDERG VARIATIONS / VARIATIONS | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| RETRATOS ERRANTES | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2019 | La Bolsa |
| DUO | Creation Residence | Meritxell Colell |
| THINKING SQUARES | Creation Residence | Margareta Firinger, Chiara Marolla, Jovana Zelenovich |
2020 |
| DUO | Creation Residence | Meritxell Colell |
| On Goldberg Variations / Variations | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| CORPUS | Creation Residence | Xavier Bobés |
| LA SED Y LA REVOLUCIÓN /THIRST AND REVOLUTION | Creation Residence | Osso Club – Andrés Corchero, Enric Ases, Pep Ramis, Piero Steiner |
| PERRUCA | Creation Residence | Cia Mariantònia Oliver |
| The passing measures | Creation Residence | Zoltàn Vakulya |
| While It Rains | Creation Residence | AltrasteDanza |
| L’aspecte sensorial de les coses | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2020 | Federica Porello |
| Pausa en movimiento | Writing Residence | Mercè Sardà, Estefanía Morante
| Pausa en movimiento/Pause in Movement | Writing Residence | Mercè Sardà, Estefanía Morante |
| Blooming-florescència | Creation Residence | Ainhoa Fernández
| Blooming-fluorescencia | Creation Residence | Ainhoa Hernández |
| Blooming-florescència | Creation Residence | Andrea Díaz
| Silencio o Lo no dicho o La lengua del agua | Creation Residence | Andrea Díaz |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| Retratos errantes | Creation Residence | Group LaBolsa |
| El universo se rompió en el mar/The Universe Broke in the Sea | Creation Residence | Ayara Hernández |
| El aspecto sensorial de las cosas/The Sensory Side of Things | Creation Residence | Federica Porello |
| Rítmia | Creation Residence | Emma Villavecchia |
| Inventions | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise | Residency by Associate Company | Mal Pelo |
| La Contínua Revisitada / Continuously Revisited | Creation Residence - Associate Project 2020 | Mariantònia Oliver |
| After the rain | Creation Residence | Wonderground, Roser Tutusaus, Tom Weksler |
| Desembre en dansa | Creation Residence | varis |
| Inventions | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
2021 |
| Pausa en movimiento / Segundo encuentro - Pause In Movement/Second Encounter | Writing Residence | Mercè Sardà, Estefanía Morante |
| Highlands | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| Alfabeto/Alphabet | Writing Residence | Xavier Bobés |
| La Contínua/Continuous | Creation Residence | Mariantònia Oliver |
| Incierta vía/Uncertain Path | Creation Residence | Pep Aymerich |
| Highlands | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| Highlands | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| Highlands | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| La sed y la revolución/Thirst and revolution | Creation Residence | Osso Club – Andrés Corchero, Enric Ases, Pep Ramis, Piero Steiner |
| Epistolario Manila/Manila Epistles | Writing Residence | Catalina Julve |
| The Last Sifir | Creation Residence | Cia. Quisigui |
| Pause In Movement / Third Encounter | Writing Residence | Mercè Sardà, Estefanía Morante |
| Fenómeno/Phenomenon | Creation Residence | Moon Ribas, Quim Girón |
| Matrioshka | Creation Residence | Sandra Sotelo |
| Epistolario Manila/Manila Epistles | Creation Residence | Catalina Julve |
| Nunca verás nada igual porqué nos da igual/You’ll Never See Anything Like It Because We Don’t Care | Writing Residence New Associate Project 2021 | Los Informalls |
| Abrazo/Embrace | Creation Residence | Nerea Martínez |
| Viaje al centro de un idiota/Journey to the Centre of an Idiot | Creation Residence | Xavier Bobés, Enric Montefusco |
| DE UNA EN UNA [versos sobre un tejado errante]/From One Into Another | Creation Residence | Barbara Cappi |
| Rave | Creation Residence | Cecilia Colacrai |
| Cos solidari – Cos Comú/Body of Solidarity - Shared Body | Creation Residence | Federica Folco, Idoia Zabaleta
| Todas las nubes posibles 0.2: encuentro de curadores de cine/All Possible Clouds 0.2: meeting of film curators | Writing Residence | Garbiñe Ortega
| El universo se rompió en el mar/The Universe Broke In The Sea | Creation Residence | Ayara Hernández |
| Neti Neti | Creation Residence | Amalia Fernández |
| Panorámica/Panorama | Creation Residence | Vicent Gisbert |
| El aspecto sensorial de las cosas/The Sensory Aspect of Things | Creation Residence With production support from the Ayutamiento de Celrà | Federica Porello |
| Papillon | Creation Residence | Àngel Duran |
| DIOSCURES | Creation Residence | Marta Izquierdo |
| PRUDENTES COMO SERPIENTES/PRUDENT AS SERPENTS | Creation Residence | Bernardo Gamboa, Harif Ovalle, David Jiménez |
| Impromptu | Creation Residence | Gaia Magrané, Michèle Benz |
| I’m not an influencer | Creation Residence | Reinaldo Ribeiro |
| Figuras del umbral/Figures on the Threshold | Creation Residence | Javier Martín |
| La Contínua/Continuous | Creation Residence | Mariantònia Oliver |
| RONDA CARTA | Creation Residence | Manuel Ronda |
| El aspecto sensorial de las cosas/The Sensory Aspect of Things | With production support from the Ayutamiento de Celrà Creation Residence | Federica Porello |
| V7 | Creation Residence | Susanna Barranco, Juan Navarro |
| Japan | Creation Residence | Mabel Olea |
| Nunca verás nada igual porqué nos da igual/You’ll Never See Anything Like It Because We Don’t Care | Creation Residence | Los Informalls |
| En el nombre de Bach/In the Name of Bach | Creation Residence | Magdalena Garzón |
| Lluny dels arbres | Creation Residence | Meritxell Colell, Angélica Castelló |
| El aspecto sensorial de las cosas/The Sensory Aspect of Things | Creation Residence With production support from the Ayutamiento de Celrà | Federica Porello |
| Nunca verás nada igual porqué nos da igual/You’ll Never See Anything Like It Because We Don’t Care | Creation Residence | Los Informalls |
| V7 | Creation Residence | Susanna Barranco, Juan Navarro |
| L’Arreplegada | Creation Residence | La Verema |
2022 |
| NOWHEN | Creation Residence | Federica Porello |
| BEFORE THE WORDS. REFUGI TEMPORAL | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo
| Bachelardiana - un duermevelas/Bachelardiana - a snooze | Creation Residence | Magda Garzón
| Nous, la forêt - ou comment se planter/We, the Forest, or How to Shock | Creation Residence | Kif Kif cie |
| Panorama | Creation Residence | Raquel Gualtero |
| Embodied Machine | Creation Residence | INSTITUT STOCOS, Muriel Romero, Pablo Palacio |
| Infinity | Creation Residence | HUMANHOOD / Julia Robert, Rudi Cole |
| Platea | Creation Residence | TRIPAK |
| The Improper Point | Creation Residence | Javier Martín |
| Territorio Mutado/Mutated Territory | Creation Residence Programa Iberescena 2021-2022 | Elina Rodríguez |
| Desbordes | Creation Residence | AMARANTA VELARDE |
| Morta Esplendor | Creation Residence | Bárbara Sánchez |
| Nunca verás nada igual porqué nos da igual/You’ll Never See Anything Like It Because We Don’t Care | Creation Residence | Los Informalls |
| Eu | Creation Residence | Fàtima Campos, Joaquin Jara |
| R.A.V.E. (Revolutionary Agglomeration for Voluntary Extermination) | Creation Residence Collaboration with Teatre Ateneu de Celrà | Cecilia Colacrai |
| Desierto/Desert | Creation Residence | Albert Quesada, FRAMES Percussion |
| L’Arreplegada/The Collection | Creation Residence | La Verema |
| Mascarade/Masquerade | Creation Residence | Mark Tompkins |
| Roll (creation 2024) | Creation Residence | Marta Izquierdo Muñoz / [lodudo] produccion |
| Condens | Creation Residence | Magí Serra |
| Burnt [the eternal long now | Creation Residence | Zoltàn Vakulya |
| AHA (Antes Hacíamos Análogos)/ (We Used to do Something Similar) | Creation Residence | Miquel Fiol, Dani Claret |
| Cyberexorcisme | Creation Residence | Núria Guiu |
| Pesta Preta Mundo | Creation Residence | Coline Gras, Bernardo RB |
| PréPostMundo | Creation Residence | Joan Català |
| NOWHEN | Creation Residence With production support from the Ayutamiento de Celrà | Federica Porello
| AHA (Antes Hacíamos Análogos)/ (We Used to do Something Similar) | Creation Residence | Miquel Fiol, Dani Claret |
| DOUBLE INFINITE The bluebird call | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| Nunca verás nada igual porqué nos da igual | Creation Residence | Los Informalls |
| V7: EL PROBLEMA SIGUE EN PIE/V7: THE PROBLEM PERSISTS | Creation Residence | Susanna Barranco |
| Lluny dels arbres/Far From The Trees | Creation Residence | Meritxell Colell, Angélica Castelló |
2023 |
| DOUBLE INFINITE. THE BLUEBIRD CALL | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| V7: EL PROBLEMA SIGUE EN PIE/V7: THE PROBLEM PERSISTS | Creation Residence | Susanna Barranco |
| QUI SOM?/WHO ARE WE? | Creation Residence | Baró d'Evel |
| Lluny dels arbres/Far From The Trees | Creation Residence | Meritxell Colell, Angélica Castelló |
| AFTER | Creation Residence | Oliver Laxe |
| DOUBLE INFINITE. THE BLUEBIRD CALL | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| JUANA | Creation Residence | La Ribot Ensemble |
| DOUBLE INFINITE. THE BLUEBIRD CALL | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| AFTER | Creation Residence | Oliver Laxe |
| DOUBLE INFINITE. THE BLUEBIRD CALL | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| V | Creation Residence | L’ÉMERVEILLÉE |
| PATINAGE | Creation Residence | Priscilla Guy |
| LABORATORIO DE IMPROVISACIÓN ESCÉNICA: CASA NOSTRA | Research and Creation Laboratory | SLMFV (Si Los Martes Fueran Viernes) |
| AURÓ | Creation Residence | Paula Ramis – Annaïk Juan-Torres |
| ALBA | Creation Residence | Aimar Pérez Galí |
| BLACKJACK | Creation Residence | Elena Fokina |
| ME LLAMO ANA/MY NAME IS ANA SONGS FOR THE BITCH -WITCH WOMEN | Creation Residence | Mariona Naudin |
| NUNCA VERÁS NADA IGUAL PORQUÉ NOS DA IGUAL | Creation Residence | Los Informalls |
| AHA (Antes Haciamos Análogos/We Used To Do Something Similar) | Creation Residence | Miquel Fiol – Dani Claret |
| TRANSHUMANCE | Creation Residence | KIF KIF |
| Bar – Goma - Bar | Creation Residence | Teatro Anatómico |
| C h i h u a h u a | Creation Residence | Dejabu Konpainia |
| Lámina Medible | Creation Residence | Carolina Besuievsky |
| SIN TÍTULO | Research Residence | Ana Valles |
| De voz, un cuerpo | Creation Residence | Leonor Leal |
| CUERPOS CELESTES | Creation Residence | Azkonatoloza |
| SCROLL | Creation Residence | UNAiUNA |
2024 |
| LEJOS DE LOS ÁRBOLES | Creation Residence | Meritxell Colell – Angélica Castelló |
| AFTER | Creation Residence | Oliver Laxe |
| UN CUERPO SIN TALENTO | Creation Residence | Monte Isla |
| THE MOUNTAIN | Creation Residence | Martí Ramis |
| BACH | Creation Residence | Jacob Gregersen |
| BEFORE THE WORDS | Creation Residence | Mal Pelo |
| VICINI | Creation Residence | Federica Porello, Xavi Moreno, Maria Mora i Majo Villafaina |
| LA NUIT | Creation Residence | Joel Bardolet – Trio Fortuny – Mal Pelo |
| De voz, un cuerpo/Voice, Body | Creation Residence | Leonor Leal |
| NUNCA VERÁS NADA IGUAL PORQUÉ NOS DA IGUAL | Creation Residence | Los Informalls |
| PERDRE EL CAP/LOSING YOUR HEAD | Creation Residence | Mariantònia Oliver |
| INCUBATIO | Creation Residence | INSTITUT STOCOS / Muriel Romero, Pablo Palacio |
| CUERPOS CELESTES/HEAVENLY BODIES | Creation Residence | Azkonatoloza |
| BELTENEBROS | Creation Residence | Javier Martín |
| De voz, un cuerpo/Voice, Body | Creation Residence | Leonor Leal |
| JARANA | Creation Residence | Laia Santanach |
| LA ETERNIDAD VULNERABLE | Writing Residence | Xavier Bobés – Alberto Conejero |
| Ensayos para Nada Y Ave (5º pasaje) | Creation Residence | Mónica Valenciano |
| KIN (parentesco) | Creation Residence | Baal Dansa |
| A CORRUPTED EMPIRE | Creation Residence | Martí Ramis, Ari Bonacina |
| TERRA DE FUGA | Creation Residence | Paula Ramis |