Procesos de trabajo con el Teatro de objetos documental
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
On 26/10/2016
Presentation :
On 26/10/2016 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

( Xavier Bobés, Shaday Larios, Jomi Oligor, EL SOLAR )

In this conversation El SOLAR will share some of their views and working processes. These combine various focusses of creative attention: material culture, collective memory, documentary, the theatre of objects, etc. They research the idea of “documentary Theatre of Objects” in specific contexts.

They will talk about how they question ways of relating to communities and the objects that carry their real and symbolic stories, and what this means when it comes to turning their ideas into performances. They will also tell us about the evolving methods they have used to approach people’s private material lives and how, from close up, it is possible to decipher minute details of fact and feeling about a trade, a neighbourhood or a city.

Working Methods in Documentary Theatre of Objects reveals the many ways in which human beings leave records and testimonies of themselves, in objects or the traces of objects that surround them. The members of EL SOLAR Agencia de detectives de objetos are fine-tuning ways to detect, analyse and communicate how these imperceptible gradations in matter can play an important role.