Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
cat | cast | eng 
 Asamblea General DBM 
(Network )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 03/06/2004 to 06/06/2004
Presentation :
On 05/06/2004 at 18:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

DBM (Danse Bassin Méditérraneen)
( DBM )

During these sessions, 'L'animal a l'esquena' (member and co-organizer of Danse Bassin Méditérraneen) organized the annual assembly of DBM with the presentation of the different artists' work on the 5th of June.

51/10pdf03/06/2004EngActivity Announcement
51/1 Video04/06/2004[1h]FrMeeting I
51/3 Video04/06/2004[46min]FrMaking Off
51/4mp304/06/2004[55min]FrMeeting I
51/2 Video05/06/2004[1h]FrMeeting II
51/7 Video05/06/2004[1h]FrMeeting III
51/8 Video05/06/2004[1h]FrMeeting IV
51/5mp305/06/2004[42min]FrMeeting II
51/6mp305/06/2004[23min]FrMeeting III
51/9vimeo01/01/2006[68 min]Fr / Cast

Le réseau

Documentary by Luciana Fina accompanying a network of people who collaborate with the Mediterranean Dance Network (DBM - Danse Bassin Méditerranée) during a number of meetings in Istambul, Tunis, Cagliari and Marseille, exposing desires and expectations at a moment of tension and confrontation in euro-mediterranean relations.