Arxiu cos creació pensament
L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
cat | cast | eng 
 Universos y narrativas de realidad aumentada en la escena 
(Research Residence )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 27/03/2005 to 06/04/2005
Presentation :
On 03/04/2005 at 18:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Kònic Thtr
( Rosa Sánchez, Alain Baumann )

Project residentially carried out by Rosa Sánchez + Alen Baumann (Kònic thtr). Within the study line of camera choreography in the scene, Kónic Thtr explored the expressive realities and narrations that offered different devices based on capturing images and the increased reality in the scenic space. This experimental laboratory of exploration of the universes linked gestures with interactive technologies.

63/4pdf27/03/2005CatActivity Announcement
63/1 Video03/04/2005[57min]CastTalk work methodology: narrative and technology "realidad aumentada"
63/2 Video03/04/2005[57min]CastLeo Castro's performance + continuación charla
63/3 Video03/04/2005[31min]CastLeo Castro's presentation (recorded by Nuria Font)