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L'animal a l'esquena 2001-2010
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175/2pdfpdfEmbodied Context: On Dramaturgy in Contemporary Dance and Performance Bojana Kunst01/04/2008[76pag]Eng Reader del seminario de Bojana Kunst Contenido: -Kunst, B.: "Embodied context: On Dramaturgy in Contemporary Dance and Performance" -Bauer, E.: "Becoming Room, Becoming Mac. New Artistic Identities in the Transnational Brussels Dance Community" -Kunst, B.: "On protocols, collaboration and language" -Schneider, F.: "Collaboration". -Cvejic, B.: "Learning by making" - Ploebst, H.:"Meeting Yvonne Rainer"(entrevista) -Bibliografía -Ingvartsen, Mette: "Towards a practical understanding of theory" -Lesage, D.: "A portrait of the artist as a poet".
175/1Audio Embodied Context: On Dramaturgy in Contemporary Dance and Performance Bojana Kunst01/04/2008Eng Sesiones días 3 y 4 (audio)