Andrés Corchero
Dancer and choreographer. In 1985 he travelled to Japan to work with the renowned butoh masters Min Tanaka and Kazuo Ohno. From 1986 to 1995 he danced with the Maijuku company, led by Min Tanaka.
If one thing characterises his work it’s that it is full of collaborations with other artists from different disciplines. Names that stand out in his career are Feliu Formosa, a poet with whom he has collaborated since 1990, Agustí Fernández and Joan Saura, two important figures in the world of improvisation and music, Rosa Muñoz, with whom he founded the company Raravis and has worked intensely on creation and training for the past twenty years, and Oguri, a Japanese dancer with whom he has collaborated closely since 2012.
For thirty years he has combined his creation work with teaching. He has given classes and directed workshops in many countries and, since 2005, he has been a lecturer at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
He has won various awards, including the Premi Nacional de Dansa De Catalunya, 2003.