Neus Villà
(Badalona 1982)
Her education in various disciplines related to the body and an intense training in sport gave her both the foundations and an enthusiasm for improvisation and a line of research that combines discipline, technique, methodology, imagination and space.
From 2002 to 2004 she had a grant to study at Area (Espai de dansa i creació – Dance and Creation Space), from 2005 to 2007 at La Caldera (Centre de creació de dansa i arts escèniques – Centre for Creation in Dance and Performing Arts) and since 2008 she has been at L’animal a l’esquena (Cos creació pensament – Body Creation Mind).
In 2006 she began her own work under the titles Provant, Entresól, Li mit mot of. She is currently developiing Ji Gou: preludio y fuga en La Menor, in collaboration with Janet Novás and Leo Castro.
From 2007 to 2009 she made, with Nux directed by Maité Delafin, L’épaisseur des choses and Déixame bostezar, for which they won various awards.
As a performer she has taken part in Retratos, Souvenirs, Invitation to be Seen, Simvolem, Los hermanos Garse. She has also participated in workshops with Angels Margarit (Kolbebasar), Núria Font (Maping, Instal.lacions interactives), Mal Pelo (Clear night, L’esperança de vida d’una llebre, Quint hivern, Band) and NevadaLab (Trobada 1).
In 2008 she began working with L’animal a l’esquena, taking part in various projects. Since 2013 she has worked with Mal Pelo as assistant on the group piece La espereranza de vida de una liebre and on the duet by Pep Ramis and María Muñoz El quinto invierno.