Miquel Fiol
Trained at the COMPANY & COMAPNY school in Barcelona and Impulstanz 2005 in Vienna. Won the 2016 Barcelona Critics’ Prize for best dancer with “Back Àbac”. He has worked as a performer on various pieces and productions directed by nationally and internationally acclaimed artists and companies such as: DV8 PHYSICAL THEATER, Albert Quesada, Sol Picó, Fura dels Baus, Oriol Escursell, Aimar Perez Galí, Pere Faura, Àngels Margarit / Cía. Mudanzas, Miguel Barcelona, Laura Alcalá, Verónica Cendoya, Pia Meuthen, Johanna Richter, Hofesh Shechter, David Middendorp, Brand Attema and Astrid Haring, Arno Schuitemaker, Lonneke Van Leth, David Pountney and Beate Vollack, Abel Cunillera, Mudit Grau, Roser Montlló, Marta Almirall and Mal Pelo. He directs his own company, Los Moñecos, with whom he has produced the shows: “LA VIRGEN DEL MOÑEKO” (2009-2014), “SUSURRANDO A LOS CABALLOS”, premiered at the Festival TNT (2015), “YI-HA”, Barcelona (2014) and street show "AMORTAL COMBAT" (2015-2016).