Nous, la forêt - ou comment se planter/We, the Forest, or How to Shock
Creation Residence
Kif Kif cie
( Kif Kif cie )

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 21/02/2022 to 26/02/2022

ous, la forêt - ou comment se planter is the first piece by the company Kif Kif, made up of Baptiste and Lucas Bouissou, two young artists and performers who work in the language of the circus, clowning and movement, accompanied in this first joint project by the musician Alexis Barbier.

A tree/the path to follow
A musician?/the gardener? God? Or mother?
Two almost identical men/two children
An apple/the gravity of the situation

At the foot of the tree, he finds his place. These two grown up boys compare themselves to each other, twirl, bump into each other, hold each other up and eat the apple. With juggling and poetic-metaphysical questioning, these naive explorers experiment with the laws of gravity. They reclaim the right to sink upwards, to turn their upper and lower parts and progress in life. To the beat of drums, falls and suspensions, they spread their branches and their imagination with lighthearted humour and tenderness.

Kif Kif is a circus troupe. A brotherly duo engaging in carnal and gravitational spectacle. Kif Kif are the same, or almost. Similarities that vanish and differences that coincide. Kif Kif is more or less relationship fusion. Kif Kif is a duo formed by Lucas and Baptiste Bouissou. Nous, la forêt - ou comment se planter is their first piece of work.

Baptiste Bouissou: author / director / performer
Lucas Bouissou: author / director / performer
Alexis Barbier: composer / musician/ performer

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