Creation Residence

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 11/04/2022 to 16/04/2022

At the seashore, the movement of the tides highlights the way life gives and takes without explanation or mooring. In Platea, everything vanishes before our eyes at times, as if it were an illusion, and then appears again. We make out the fall, the echoes. At the centre, which is firmer, a table is laid for a banquet and a dish shimmers, presiding over it all like a master of ceremonies. Whoever comes and goes, faint and disorientated, like a ship-wreck survivor or a mermaid, once had a life and a death, and his or her body still wavers between these. They seem like witnesses of the remains of some debauchery but their dazzling teeth still lie in wait.

Platea is a piece of theatre that has grown from the unique imagination of Tripak. It is the vision of a fantastical world in which images and gestures emerge from the unconscious before being turned into a discourse in this shared creative space, using archetypes and basic actions and emotions. The work is based on symbolic, dreamlike material but this is far from stereotypical, using the evocative, renovating power of absurd humour, and valuing the strange, or even extraordinary.

Creation and direction: Tripak
Performers: Natalia Suarez, Marina Suarez, Andrea Berbois, Maite Muguerza and Garazi Navas.
Visual design: Tripak and Haiek (Martin Ferran and Jon Arregi)
Music: Andrea Berbois, Garazi Navas Carlo Gesualdo, Richard Wagner
Texts: Tripak

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