2022 |  | Repensar L’animal/Rethinking L’animal
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 14/06/2022 to 18/06/2022 Activitat pròpia
( Activitat pròpia )
A seminar in which to reflect on the activities and identity of L’animal a l’esquena as a space for creation and ideas. We are inviting Idoia Zabaleta and Juan Cruz from Azala-Espacio de Creación, Vitoria, to set up a forum in which to evaluate the careers and experience of both centres, in order to plan possible futures around the potential and specifics of L’animal as a creation centre and collaborative space, with special emphasis on its particular contribution to the local area.
On Saturday 18th June we will hold an open day for members of the public and colleagues from other creation centres, such as Mariantònia Oliver, EIMA Creación (Mallorca) and Eric Deniaud from the Hammana Artist House (Lebanon), as well as artists closely linked to L’animal a l’esquena such as Meritxell Colell, Xavi Bobés, Leo Castro and Federica Porello.
| 2011 |  | Creación, naturaleza, cuerpo y escritura
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 03/10/2011 to 08/10/2011 Presentation : On 08/10/2011 at 11:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) On 08/10/2011 at 16:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) Jennifer Monson, Simon Whitehead, Ric Allsopp, Simon Pershigetti, Enric Fàbregas, Idoia Zabaleta
( Jennifer Monson, Simon Whitehead, Ric Allsopp, Simon Pershigetti, Enric Fàbregas, Idoia Zabaleta )
During the seminar Creation, Nature, Body and Mind, we shall invite various artists, scientists and editors to share experiences of their current work with each other and an interested public. Though the projects they run are very different, they share an interest in the relationship between creation, nature as a context, the body and writing, concepts that L'animal a l'esquena will be dealing with in this new phase.
The focus of the seminar is to establish synergies and strategies to foster the relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge contributed by each of the participants. Over an intensive six day period the contents of each project will be presented, explicitly including a performance in the natural setting of L'animal a l'esquena, to make the thinking behind them more tangible. The seminar will take place behind closed doors for the first five days. The third day will be open to the public, to air the conclusions of the debate.
L'animal a l'esquena would like to establish an ongoing relationship with each of the participants and their projects in the near future, setting up working environments that encourage the exchange of practices and ideas as well as building local and international links.
| 2009 | Instalaciones interactivas entorno al cuerpo y el movimiento
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 23/11/2009 to 29/11/2009 Presentation : On 28/11/2009 at 18:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) NU2's
( Núria Font )
NU2's proposes an international meeting of artists from different disciplines who are interested in developing theoretical and practical aspects around the use interactive tools that focus on the body and movement as their main object.
This year's event will pay special attention to exhibition-based projects. It is aimed at artists and collectives who have a work in progress or an idea they are waiting to develop, and are interested in sharing and analysing their work with the other participants.
A professional team of experts in the use of systems, software designers, choreographers and visual artists will contribute to the research project with the intention of helping the projects to move forward.
The Laboratory is organised by NU2's in collaboration with l'Animal a l'esquena in the framework of the euroregional project Corpus Media.
Registration is free and the organisation will cover accommodation and living expensed for participating artists. Interested artists should contact NU2's by sending an email to info, and NU2's will evaluate submissions based on the projects and the professional and educational background of the artists.
| Crisis de Palabras
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 19/11/2009 to 21/11/2009 Espai en blanc
( Espai en blanc, Daniel Blanchard )
A seminar with Daniel Blanchard. In the frame of the project "El combate del pensamiento" (`The struggle with thought').
Today we use communication channels, but not ones pertaining to words. What has been called the end of ideologies is a crisis of words where all of us use the same terms for antagonistic problems: creativity, cooperation, experimentation or freedom etc serve power just as much as resistance.
In this seminar, we propose to tackle this problem in the company of Daniel Blanchard, early member of Socialisme ou Barbarie, who has made the saying "crisis of words"a key to understanding the relationship between critical discourse and reality. Blanchard believes it is not possible to escape from this crisis of words. Rather, it must be left open as a condition for reinventing it as language. Today politics is a semiotic battleground where we must conquer words in order to transform the world.
For years Espai en Blanc has located their practical-theoretical proposals in the heart of this crisis, searching for the words that affect the ways in which we embody a critical thought.
With the collaboration of MASKA, Anna Lindh Foundation and the network project Autonomía y complejidad.
| Cuerpo y pensamiento contemporáneo
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 03/11/2009 to 06/11/2009 Marina Garcés
( Marina Garcés )
The seminar consists of a reflection and study derived from texts and theorists who deal with the body's re-appropriation in contemporary thought. Free the body or free oneself through the body?
| La práctica de la teoría. Sobre la performance y su relación con la teoría
Escoles Velles (Carretera de juià, 88. Celrà) From 16/03/2009 to 19/03/2009 Bojana Kunst
( Bojana Kunst )
L'animal a l'esquena and the Master MACAPD (Master in Contemporary Arts Practice and dissemination) organized in collaboration with the Fundació Universitat de Girona Innovació i Formació and the Càtedra Unesco, presents Bojana Kunst's seminar. Professor Kunst is a philosopher and a playwriter coming from Slovenia.
| El papel cultural, social, económico y estético del cuerpo humano en las Artes Multimedia Interactivas
Escoles Velles (Carretera de juià, 88. Celrà) From 02/03/2009 to 06/03/2009 Roc Parés
( Roc Parés )
L'animal a l'esquena and the Master MACAPD (Master in Contemporary Arts Practice and dissemination) organized in collaboration with the FUdGiF and the Càtedra Unesco, presents Roc Parés' seminar. Roc Parés.
| 2008 |  | Herramientas digitales interactivas en escena
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 17/11/2008 to 25/11/2008 Presentation : On 22/11/2008 at 18:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) NU2's
( Núria Font )
As part of its larger project to contribute to the development of theoretical reflection and practical uses of interactive digital media in performance projects, NU2's is organising another international workshop for artists from different disciplines who are interested in sharing, analysing and developing ideas based on projects currently in progress.
| Cuerpo y pensamiento contemporáneo
Escoles Velles (Carretera de juià, 88. Celrà) From 10/11/2008 to 13/11/2008 Marina Garcés
( Marina Garcés )
L'animal a l'esquena presents a seminar by Marina Garcés: Body and Contemporary Thought, within the MACAPD program (Master in Contemporary Arts Practice and dissemination) organized in collaboration with the FUdGiF and Càtedra Unesco.
Marina Garcés is a Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Barcelona and teaches at this university.
|  | Seminario Internacional y Symposium Público: Absent interfaces
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 14/10/2008 to 18/10/2008 Presentation : On 17/10/2008 at 17:00 in Centre Cultural La Mercé (Girona) On 18/10/2008 at 11:00 in Centre Cultural La Mercé (Girona) Toni Cots, Heine Avdal, Christoph De Boek, Alain Baumann, Rosa Sanchez, Aylin Kalem, Scott deLahunta, Roc Parès, Stella Veciana, Marina Garcés, Ibrahim Quraishi, Marion Traenkle, Zeljko Blace
( )
Encounters between creative and theoretical practice.
L'animal a l'esquena, in collaboration with Scott de Lahunta, is inviting proposals by the different artistic teams of Absent Interfaces for individual meetings with 'expert' theoretical practitioners. The basic idea is to develop a series of 'input' sessions between artists/practitioners and theoreticians/scholars on a public frame. However the choice of 'expert' is left up to the individual artist (or collaborative team). The aim is an encounter with new information from a discipline that might inform and/ or interfere, stimulate and/ or confront the artists practice. The specific content area should fit inside the frame of Absent Interfaces.
|  | El cuerpo del mundo. A propósito de Merleau-Ponty
Escoles Velles (Carretera de juià, 88. Celrà) From 07/04/2008 to 14/04/2008 Marina Garcés
( Marina Garcés )
L'animal a l'esquena and the Master MACAPD (Master in Contemporary Arts Practice and dissemination) organized in collaboration with the FUdGiF and the Càtedra Unesco, presents Marina Garcés' seminar: EL CUERPO DEL MUNDO. A propósito de Merleau-Ponty ('The World's body. On Merlaeu-Peonty').
| Embodied Context: On Dramaturgy in Contemporary Dance and Performance
Escoles Velles (Carretera de juià, 88. Celrà) From 01/04/2008 to 04/04/2008 Bojana Kunst
( Bojana Kunst )
L'animal a l'esquena and the Master MACAPD (Master in Contemporary Arts Practice and dissemination) organized in collaboration with the FUdGiF and the Càtedra Unesco, presents Bojana Kunst's seminar. Professor Kunst is a philosopher, dancer and a playwriter coming from Slovenia.
| 2005 | Seminario Internacional Escritura – Cuerpo – Memoria
Museo del Cinema (Girona) From 02/12/2005 to 04/12/2005 Presentation : On 02/12/2005 at 21:00 in Museo del Cinema (Girona) On 03/12/2005 at 21:00 in Museo del Cinema (Girona) Ric Allsopp, Una Bauer, Redell Olsen, Davide Grassi, Bojana Kunst, Toni Serra, José A. Sánchez
( Ric Allsopp, Una Bauer, Redell Olsen, Davide Grassi, Bojana Kunst, Toni Serra, José A. Sánchez )
The international seminar 'Writing –Body- Memory' met a group of artists from various fields, editors and critics with the aim of exploring the actual modes of speech articulation and the contemporary practices in way of performing, its relation with the context and the public space and its politics and the existent strategies for its publishing, presentation and dissemination.In this seminar various publications were presented about dissemination referring to the body which are developing important concepts about the body from a critical perspective.
| 2004 | Movimiento y dígitos
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 20/10/2004 to 24/10/2004 Presentation : On 24/10/2004 at 18:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) Núria Font
( Núria Font, Scott deLahunta, Carol Brown, Mette Ramsgard Thomsen, Rosa Sánchez, Alain Baumann, Margie Medlin, Isabelle Choinière, Àngels Margarit, Carme Torrent, Oriol Blanch, Jaime del Val, Gregorio García, Toni Mira, Florence Corin )
Cycle of debating, seminars and workshops directed by different multimedia creators and international choreographers to analyse the different interactive digital tools that are nowadays applied to scenic projects and compositions. Directed by Núria Font.
| Seminario sobre Escritura Escénica
Centre Cultural La Mercé (Girona) On 08/10/2004 Presentation : On 08/10/2004 at 18:00 in Centre Cultural La Mercé (Girona) Norman Frish, Tomàs Aragay, Una Bauer, Nik Haffner, Víctor Molina, Cristina Peres
( Norman Frish, Tomàs Aragay, Una Bauer, Nik Haffner, Víctor Molina, Cristina Peres )
Public Seminar, in a 'frame' of thinking over and debating where the various specialists and artists that were invited, expound different theories, practices and processes that are nowadays part of the contemporary thinking and creativity. The seminar was based on the exploration of the scenic writing and its registration using various media 'tools', both analogical and digital: photo, video or sound recording, written text, drawings, oral description, etc.
| 2003 | Miradas y modos de ver
El Mercadal (Girona) On 16/10/2003 Presentation : On 16/10/2003 at 16:30 in El Mercadal (Girona) Claire MacDonald, José A. Sánchez, Toni Serra, Xavier Antich, Lisa Nelson
( Claire MacDonald, José A. Sánchez, Toni Serra, Xavier Antich, Lisa Nelson )
This seminar was an opportunity to visit again some of the ideas and critics associated to the way of looking, from the interdisciplinary art point of view and the scenic practice, at both levels the practical experience as well as the critical review. The Seminar chose John Berger's visual theories as a starting point, whose criticism about the 'way of looking' and its relation with social structures of possession throughout classes and sexes broke up definitively with the traditional way of seeing at the end of the 60's.
The seminar was attended by a series of speakers who included comments about dancing, videoing, theatre and philosophy, by means of some of the artistic practice key thinkers participation.
In collaboration with the Contemporary Art and Culture professorship of Girona University, 'El Mercadal', 'Fundació Innovació i Formació, Universitat de Girona' (Foundation for innovation and formation of Girona University).
| 2002 | Partituras en movimiento
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 14/10/2002 to 18/10/2002 Presentation : On 17/10/2002 at 19:00 in La Fontana d'Or (Girona) Alessandro Certini, Julyen Hamilton, Steve Noble, Steve Paxton, Pep Ramis, Andrés Corchero, Núria Font
( Alessandro Certini, Julyen Hamilton, Steve Noble, Steve Paxton, Pep Ramis, Andrés Corchero, Núria Font )
Seminar–laboratory about the contemporary creation, the main objective of which, was to combine the creative work of a group of dancers, choreographers and musicians, invited to L'animal a l'esquena to develop an open process, supervised by a professional group of observers of this process development, within a certain period of time and a determined location. The lab ended with the presentation on stage of "Entre les côtes de la baleine" within the Festival Temporada Alta 2002.
| Documentación, archivo y diseminación
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 03/04/2002 to 05/04/2002 Presentation : On 06/04/2002 at 18:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) Núria Font, Julyen Hamilton, Scott deLahunta, Ric Allsopp, Nik Haffner, Peter Hulton, Lisa Nelson, Steve Paxton, Toni Serra, Pep Ramis, María Muñoz, Toni Cots
( Núria Font, Julyen Hamilton, Scott deLahunta, Ric Allsopp, Nik Haffner, Peter Hulton, Lisa Nelson, Steve Paxton, Toni Serra, Pep Ramis, María Muñoz, Toni Cots )
Seminar of reflection and analysis of the artistic language of the contemporany scenic arts vinculated to discipline, dance and movement, and its possible dissmination and access in the cultural archive context
| 2001 | Refugio temporal y localidad
Universitat de Girona (Girona) From 12/09/2001 to 15/09/2001 Toni Cots, Ric Allsopp, Claire MacDonald, María Muñoz, Toni Cots, Àngels Margarit, Pepe Sánchez, Alfons Martinell
( Toni Cots, Ric Allsopp, Claire MacDonald, María Muñoz, Toni Cots, Àngels Margarit, Pepe Sánchez, Alfons Martinell )
Seminar of reflection and discussion about temporal areas and shelters that suggest a scenic art of experimentation, to enable and to explore the esthetical, cultural and political strategies, which it makes use of.