L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 14/05/2012 to 24/05/2012
Presentation :
On 24/05/2012 at 20:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
( Losquequedan, Vicente Arlandis, Sandra Gómez )
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 14/05/2012 to 24/05/2012
Presentation :
On 24/05/2012 at 20:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
( Losquequedan, Vicente Arlandis, Sandra Gómez )
This project arose from a desire to work with the body, space, objects and sound and is based on a very personal idea of play. The company will use play as an artistic practice and working method, emphasising its potential to suggest totally individual situations and contexts that can lead to new realities, new frameworks for action and new, subjective ways of relating.
During the residency the aim is to arrive at a preliminary concrete form, a first draft for a performance that will be modified in future work sessions. A sound track will provide an initial score for the actions of dancers, objects and context (space and time). This score will be reinterpreted and changed, and in this process of redefining the dancers, the background objects will constantly shift in status. David Espinosa and Hipólito Patón will accompany the company, on this occasion.
24/05/2012 Article Punt Diari (Frankensteing)
276/1 Activity Announcement [Text > Cat] (24/05/2012)