El espacio del cuerpo y el cuerpo en el espacio
La Fontana d'Or (Girona)
On 08/11/2003
Presentation :
On 08/11/2003 at 12:00 in La Fontana d'Or (Girona)
Àngels Margarit
( Àngels Margarit )
La Fontana d'Or (Girona)
On 08/11/2003
Presentation :
On 08/11/2003 at 12:00 in La Fontana d'Or (Girona)
Àngels Margarit
( Àngels Margarit )

Conference conducted by Àngels Margarit, in which the dancer journeyed through the choreographic language that she has been developing during her experience as a performer and as a choreographer. She talked about the working processes from the moment where movements come out to the articulation of the choreographic and scenic language and the organic and formal relationships among them.
The movement as physical writing of thought and feeling, the space of the body and the body in the space fusing together in a sensitive and organic geometry.
To read the space, to accident the body by fusing with the scenic elements in a dialogue where the body, instead of imposing itself, is given and becomes a danced or lived body by what happens to it.
To read the space, to accident the body by fusing with the scenic elements in a dialogue where the body, instead of imposing itself, is given and becomes a danced or lived body by what happens to it.
42/1 Conversation I [Video > 1h02min Cat] (08/11/2003)
42/2 Conversation II [Video > 20min ] (08/11/2003)
42/3 Conversation I [Audio > ] (08/11/2003)