Creation Residence  
KIN (parentesco)
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 24/02/2025 to 07/03/2025

Baal Dansa
( Baal Dansa )

A science fiction story, a speculative, futuristic fable that pulls on the threads of the stories and theories of Donna Haraway and Vinciane Despret (philosophers, theorists, writers and eco-feminisits).
In this project we want to explore possible, crazy futures in response to the challenges we face in human relations, technology and on the planet Earth.

The fable is set in a world on the threshold of apocalypse, where resources are running out, global warming is a realiaty and nature responds with force to the challenges it faces.
Despite this situation we seek, as Haraway says, how to “stay with the trouble” through the multi-species, in which the human being, thanks to genetic modification, will trans-mutate with a species of the planet so as to feel more deeply our connection with the non-human, and so cease to be the main protagonist and destructor of the Earth.

This symbiosis will also be the main theme of our research, in which interaction between the visible and invisible will be essential in the relationship body - sound - space - object - technology.

Creation residency within the program of Tapete Común from Creation Houses Azala creación-La Sierra, Vitoria, EiMA creació-Maria de la Salut, Mallorca, A Casa Vella-Amiadoso, Ouresne and L'animal a l'esquena.
“KIN” is a proposal by EiMA creació.

Artistic Credits
Concept and performer: Catalina Carrasco
Visual artist engaged with the project: Isabel Castro
Soundcape: Jaume Manresa
Interactive technology: Gaspar Morey
Vídeo creation: Luis Ortas
Dramatic accompaniment during research period: Manuela Oliva
Accompaniment and mentoring on movement: Mercedes Boronat
Consultant and advisor: Jordi Duran

With backing from:
EIMA, Majorca
STUDIOTRADE European Network
Ehrenfeld studio, Cologne
Consell de Mallorca
Supported by AC / PICE residences program