Personal details
Name and surname *
Date of birth *
Nationality *
Email *
Telephone *

Do you belong to an association or are you artist in residence at another institution? NO

Does your project have any private or institutional backing? NO

Team of participants *

Motives and aims of this particular residency at L’animal *
Maximum 15 lines

Artistic project *
Maximum 5 pages
You should include a description of the project of a minimum of 1500, maximum 4500 characters in length, including spaces.

PDF or DOC document (600 KBytes Max)

CV of the director of the project *
Maximum 2 pages + Photo portrait

PDF or DOC document (600 KBytes Max)

JPG Image format (600 KBytes Max)

CVs of those taking part *
Maximum 10-15 lines

PDF or DOC document (600 KBytes Max)

Two photos to go with the project *
1 landscape, 1 vertical

JPG Image format (600 KBytes Max)

JPG Image format (600 KBytes Max)

Options for dates in order of preference *
Maximum 2 weeks

* Required
Form information protected by L.O. 15/99, L. 34/02 and RD 94/99 with access, cancellation and modification Rights here