Creation Residence  
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 22/12/2019 to 26/12/2019

Margareta Firinger, Chiara Marolla, Jovana Zelenovich
( Margareta Firinger, Chiara Marolla, Jovana Zelenovich )

Geometry carries emotion within itself. We are always associating shapes and symbols with meanings, memories, history and feelings. How to discover what images, simple and raw shapes are held within us? Thinking Squares is the beginning of a new creation process which delves into the exploration of body movement starting from selected pre-existing geometries, set scores and pre-drawn spatial pathways. Our interest lies in discovering how these structures affect us and how they change our body movement, our choices of being in space and interrelating with other. By using tools such as deconstruction, dissection, collage and replacement we are interested in opening up the many ways we have of looking at the same thing.