Creation Residence  
Desembre en dansa
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 10/12/2020 to 13/12/2020

( varis )

Coordination of the 5th DesembreEnDansa/DanceDecember season, in collaboration with the arts department of the Ajuntament de Celrà and the Escuela Municipal de Danza de Celrà

The highlight of local activity is the organisation and celebration of the DanceDecember season that gives back to the town and its inhabitants the results of the long history of training and creative projects in Celrà since the 1990s.
The Arts Department of the Ayuntamiento de Celrà, in collaboration with the Escuela Municipal de Danza de Celrà and L’animal a l’esquena, co-produce for the fifth time this season dedicated specifically to dance, that will take place in various locations around the town.

The programme of shows will be complemented by training workshops given by some of the dancers and guest artists for young people from 15 upwards and also for local adults.

This year we are celebrating the 5th season and the 20th anniversary of the Escuela de Danza.

More info: